Saturday, January 5, 2013

Forecast: Sunday and Monday, January 6-7, 2013

Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Scorpio, 2013

Beginning Saturday 5 January at 10:10p PT|1:10a(Su) ET|6:10a UT
through Sunday 6
/moon goes void-of-course Monday 7 at 3:32a PT|6:32a ET|11:32a UT
until Luna enters Sagittarius Tuesday at 12:29a PT|3:29a ET|8:29a UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends
Monday 7 at 7:38p PT | 10:38p ET | 3:38a(Tu) UT

~The Lasting Course Discerned~


You might find, especially if you re-read these forecasts toward the end of each period, that one of the following three Paths "hits" you more often than the other two. Or, you may find that each has something to offer.

Path III

The hardest courses you have to follow seem somewhat easier because you can endure their troubles patiently, sure of your goal and steadfast in moving toward it one step at a time. This in itself is a great boon. It brings you peace, and enables you to convince others of anything you hold dear in your inmost heart. There is no reason to hold back your most sincere expressions. You can say what is most meaningful to you without embarrassment or fear of being misunderstood, for even if that happens you know you have done your best and that is enough. If there is depression, music or poetry or any soft, sweet, true expression of feeling and hope will lift you. It can lift others when you give it release through your attitudes or words. You even have a destiny to be influencing people helpfully at this time. As for the harsh side of things, taking form in disagreements and strife, you can recognize it without being buffaloed by it. People are better than they seem. When you keep faith in their better nature, it is sure to manifest itself. Then
the inflammation of resentment subsides; what seemed impossible misunderstanding softens and dissipates.

Path II

Whatever is harsh in this time is symbolized by the fact that Saturn and Mars, the two "malefic" planets according to the ancients, rule the other planets, while both are at critical degrees (and no other planet is so placed). This means a hard dose of "reality." It is interesting that we call troubles "reality." Perhaps that's because we need to distinguish what we have to face from our hopes and dreams, which are "on the way to reality." At this time, a retrospective view might help. We discover truths about the present and future by studying the past. Whether reading history, ancient scriptures and texts, or watching a good documentary, you are ready to enter through an archway of the past to find out more about present potentials.
Your mind is rock-solid in detecting true from false; the better, more trustworthy direction from the deceptive one. Whether residual, unconscious or half-conscious memories from former lives, or influences from the departed, something invisible helps you to choose with utter certainty.

You are weighing and measuring your finances. You might do the same with food. We consider what we swallow before we swallow it. We consider what we buy before we buy it. This might be specially true of those who are indigent, poor, unable to spend more than a bare minimum and have to husband every penny. You might analyze ways of being of asssistance to them and make noble gestures in that direction.

In your office or at your desk you review costs and gains and could make strong progress toward decisions. The tax situation does not look so bad when you know all the figures so that there is no guesswork.

You might remember something about someone who has passed from this world which helps you. It seems that the way each one leaves is a part of his or her destiny which only he, in the depths of his being, can fully understand; the rest of us look on and wonder, sometimes with shocked excitation. The reasons for the circumstances of departure from the body are understood only in the afterlife, it appears, in most cases, when the thread tying all incarnations together can bring them before our vision.

Path I

Rejuvenating energies help you to work with what is solid--solidity being a feature of this period, that is, assurance of what is reliable. From it you sculpt your destiny as you sense what is immortal in others and yourself. The freshness of a new day is implicit in every dark moment. Therefore you work patiently with the materials you have, to build or create or shape something which brings more consciousness into the world.

Is popularity important? Approval by others, or self-approval? We all want approbation. It is the real "social security." On the other hand, we cannot always be fawning over people, catering to their whims and opinions, or otherwise trying to please them. We have to spend our time and energy in a way which will bring us rewards we want, in some manner, rather than flatter people by doing what they would like. In expending yourself along that naive line, you might be pleased when someone likes what you are doing; then displeased when the approval fades. Yet you keep on keeping on your unique path.
{Sunday and Monday} ~The Lasting Course Discerned~

Cosmic Piper

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