Friday, January 18, 2013

Forecast: Late Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 18-20 January, 2013

Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Taurus, 2013

Beginning Friday 18 January at 5:37p PT | 8:37p ET | 1:37a(Sa) UT
through Saturday 19
/moon goes void-of-course Sunday 20
/at 10:17a PT | 1:17p ET | 6:17p UT
until Luna enters Gemini Monday 21 at 6:05a PT|9:05a ET|2:05p UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week runs from
Friday 18 January at 5:12a PT | 8:12a ET | 1:12p UT
through Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 until
Monday 21 at 1:41a PT | 4:41a ET | 9:41a UT
(almost three days this time, longer than usual)

\Down for Repairs/

I am very grateful to all of you who have been reading these forecasts, and sometimes commenting on them, for years. It is wonderful to have such support from all of you. I have said, very seriously, that if nobody at all read these reports, I would still write them, for G*d and myself. Often people are astounded that I think G*d would want forecasts from Cosmic Piper! My understanding of Him is that He is working with and through the human race, century after century, eon after eon, for purposes we can hardly conceive, but in which we can participate. For the chemist it is for better chemistry. For the florist, endlessly pleasing bouquets. For the baseball player, a better batting record. For myself, more accurate and helpful forecasts. Yes, I believe G*d cares about the progress of the human race in every ethical and good way, and so about the progress of astrology--which, in its real essence, hardly ever discerned, is truly a sacred science, the science of the Magi who visited Jesus and Mary at the advent of our Christian era.

And so I press on. I did not write a regular forecast for this weekend, other than the important data above, because I needed some time off to improve my methods. I improve them regularly, week after week, month after month, year after year. That is, I try to do so; you and the Supreme Lord are the judges of that. This time a major reconstruction required more time.

The reports will be in a somewhat different format when they re-begin on Monday January 21. I hope to post that forecast, and the following one for Tuesday, on Sunday this week. I hope to post them every other day, two days included in each forecast. But I have gone back to a "daily" format instead of the "Sol-Lunar 2.5-day period" format we have been using for a few years. I won't say much about that until we get started; I am of course interested in your comments and criticisms as we go along.

I hope you have a quiet, peaceful and meaningful weekend. I use those words because since the |karmically difficult, sobering third of this week| exactly encompasses the weekend, it might be better for such quiet, thoughtful activities, plus sheer relaxation and contemplation, than for intense activity or social engagements (unless they are required by "karma" or dharma let us say).

{Late Friday, Saturday, Sunday} /Down for Repairs\

Cosmic Piper


  1. Loved the message! Looking forward to see what you do with the revision!

  2. As I said on my FB share of this post, "Amen, Brother, Amen!" And what is so cherished in all this is that my own work has also undergone a major revision this day. Wow! Enjoying the connection...
