Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Forecast: Late Tuesday, Wednesday, early Thursday, December 11-13, 2012

Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Sagittarius, 2012

Beginning Tuesday 11 December at 2:23p PT|5:23p ET|10:23p UT
through Wednesday 12
/moon goes void-of-course Thursday 13 at 12:43a PT|3:43a ET|8:43a UT
until Luna enters Capricorn Thursday at 1:44p PT|4:44p ET|9:44p UT

The New Moon of Sagittarius occurs Thursday 13
at 12:43a PT | 3:43a ET | 8:43a UT

The Dark Hermetic Epoch (since October 18) ends 
and the Bright Hermetic Epoch (until February 8) begins
Thursday December 13-Friday December 14

at 10:01p(Th) PT | 1:01a(F) ET | 6:01a(F) UT

*From Disagreement Toward Harmony*

I would not be surprised, because of additional indications in the daily charts, if some kind of breakthrough in the "financial cliff" negotiations in Washington could occur late Thursday or Friday. Let us hope. 

Meanwhile, for this soli-lunar period:

Setting the stage 

There is danger of harsh argument or disagreement. When people do not "see eye to eye," one or the other is wrong! We are afraid to acknowledge that, because everybody wants to be right. I am not encouraging you to be arrogant, however, because only the Perfect Mind can discern at every moment who is right on a given matter and who is wrong. We need to be humble enough to prevent violent disagreements. At another level or at the same time, you know you have an ability you can use. You can sit at your drawing board, artist's palette, machine shop, or computer and do what you do well. This includes putting pictures on paper, or else firming them up in your mind, pictures of what you hope to do, or designs and architectural or engineering schemes, or beauty for beauty's sake. Rather than fight, you show that you are master in your realm of creativity.

The play
A lot of things start to happen quickly. A magical power is being unloosed. At best it is leashed upward to high, worshipful understanding of your place in the cosmic scheme, so that although you are humble you are all the more powerful. The one who bows to G*d receives Supreme energy for good. We are nearing a point where recent discords can be harmonized, even if that seem too good to be true. You can be brave and persuasive toward those of weaker faith or smaller understanding. They need a leader. If you don't want that role, you may be following someone who inspires you toward brave endeavor. While we are learning how to fulfill our destiny-duty, we are followers as well as leaders.


Methods of healing, probably more spiritual than physical, relieve your anxiety when you feel worn out or depressed. Drinking a cup of water or tea can be an experience in meditation, whether alone or as a shared semi-sacrament. There can be singing, there can be worship, and sublime sentiment. There can be healing of the battles or arguments mentioned, through sensing that the one with whom you disagree has a part to play in a larger diaspora of which you are also a small but important detail. People persuade one another by being what one another respect. This you will do naturally when you are intent on whatever lifts your living toward a level of sacrament.

{Late Tuesday, Wednesday, early Thursday} *From Disagreement Toward Harmony*

Cosmic Piper

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