Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Forecast: Late Thursday, Friday, early Saturday, December 13-15, 2012

Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Capricorn, 2012

Beginning Thursday 13 December at 1:44p PT|4:44p ET|9:44p UT
through Friday 14
/moon goes void-of-course Saturday 15 at 1:16p PT|4:16P ET|9:16p UT
until Luna enters Aquarius Saturday at 1:54p PT|4:54p ET|9:54p UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week runs from
Saturday 15 at 2:38a PT|5:38a ET|10:38a UT
until Monday 17 at 5:07a PT|8:07a ET|1:07p UT

\Peaceful Retraction Preceding Further Expansion/

Early Thursday we have a New Moon, and late Thursday the beginning of the two-month Bright Hermetic Epoch. (Exact times were given in the previous forecast.) So we are at a small beginning of fresh things. Emphasize small. It is still early so you may not see exactly where you are going, but there is renewed hope and expectation.

I said last time that perhaps by Friday there would be a breakthrough in the "fiscal cliff" negotiations. I will not take that back, but must modify it. Maybe the "breakthrough" will be invisible. And maybe it will be of the nature of "kicking the can down the road" as many express it, that is, a temporary agreement which allows things to coast into the New Year with a limited amount of stress before new negotiations begin with a new Congress. This will be disappointing but not disastrous. Or, perhaps a further agreement of a more promising sort will be available next week which is the last week it could happen before the Congressional holiday recess.

Whatever disappointments you feel may be overcome partially by giving attention to your appearance or persona. We all can present ourselves to the world in a happy, progressive, inspiring way rather than a dull depressing way, and physical appearance has little to  to do with it. Yes, one wants to be clean and
neat and have one's hair in appropriate array, but that is almost the least of it, if the light of Spirit lights one's eyes.

When things develop swiftly as if by magic, this is encourag
ing. You will see that in some area of your life.

When there is defeat, apparently, one can accept it gracefully and maintain one's morale into the next phase of things, which could be a cycle of victory even if in a changed milieu. It is good to be expedient, using what one has in the most felicitous manner rather than mourning over what one does not have. Then the little one has seems to expand and one's "needs" contract.If you sit down at a table or desk with a pen and paper, calculator, computer, drawing board, or any other tools, and work out something in your mind with the help of these instruments, you will get solid understanding about some important plan which you can promote with your ingrained faculties and turn into ultimate success. 

If there are plans which have failed utterly in your life, that is just what is. You can accept it rather than be bitter about it. At any age there are further vistas to experience and further attempts to be made. Someone, perhaps a woman, inspires you to carry on and heals your wounded pride. With equanimity you can perceive what chances you have in the future and move optimistically toward them. Your inner understanding of life is worth far more than any outer possession.

/Peaceful Retraction Preceding Further Expansion\

Cosmic Piper

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