Sunday, December 9, 2012

Forecast: Late Sunday, Monday, early Tuesday, December 9-11, 2012

Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Scorpio, 2012

Beginning Sunday 9 December at 1:52p PT|4:52p ET|9:52p UT
through Monday 10
/moon goes void-of-course Tuesday 11 at 5:09a PT|8:09a ET|1:09p UT
until Luna enters Sagittarius Tuesday at 2:23p PT|5:23p ET|10:23p UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week
Tuesday 11 at 5:58a PT | 8:58a ET | 12:58p UT

~Planning Escape; Relying on Supervision~

The stage setting
Those who are captives of the situation in which they are forced to function may feel that there is nowhere to turn for safety. There are challenges on every hand. Only the aid of the Highest is real aid at such a point. Soldiers are familiar with this realization. Some will do valiantly. May you, and I.

The play
There is brilliance of intellect, and of awareness, so that you can fathom ways of attaining your goals. A threefold path, or three paths you have to travel almost at the same time, could be a key to your success. You are shrewd in plotting your course. Like a soldier, you have to rely on your supervision, the vision and guidance of superior officers. Also like a soldier, you have to rely on your own self-supervision when that is unavoidable. No one is a puppet entirely no matter what his or her position in functioning hierarchies. Still, by fulfilling your destined role in a social, military or business setting you provide for yourself and protect all with whom your lot is cast.

There is much that you can enjoy in easy-going style. Then it is up to you to decide when that is an impediment to your real aims. Sometimes you need the pleasure, in order to recover poise for fulfilling your demanding purposes. At other times you could be dissipating time and energy in pointless diversions. It is well to be aware of this and correct it sooner rather than later.

While at home or in a private nook you could overindulge yourself with food or drink. You have managed to provide these for yourself and so naturally have a right to enjoy them, but of course we know that excess carries penalties. You need to continue to provide for yourself, and anyone who needs you, by attending to business. Then you can escape from dangers and difficulties which have seemed to imprison you. That is far better than getting lost in illusory projects whose promises or premises are false. That would be a path to downfall. But you have the abilities to prevent that. Thinking of the friends with whom you want to remain in contact could inspire you to keep on a safe course which will ultimately please them also.

{Late Sunday, Monday, early Tuesday} ~Planning Escape; Relying on Supervision~

Cosmic Piper

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