Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 23 March 2011

Wednesday 23 March 2011

*Smoothly Reconstructive*

I am tempted to say that the time of "reprise" or temporary ease continues, although that could be a weakness. The stresses come from a deeper level where the opposition of Jupiter and Saturn continues, the once-every-twenty-years "mutation" I have discussed. It signifies, for most of us, maybe all of us, a major change going on at a deep level concerned with destiny and the particular vocation or calling our souls awaken to. Today might be a good time to tune in with that, especially after the moon enters Sagittarius at 1:46p PT | 4:46p ET | 8:46p UT. Then it will form trines with Uranus, then the sun, both in early degrees of Aries and so linked with the coming year. (I believe that the year begins on March 20 when the sun enters Aries at the Vernal Equinox.)

You may think a lot about your home and whatever changes are important for it in the near future. Or, maybe, spring cleaning?

You feel pleased with yourself along some line or other. I will not preach on the dangers of vanity; you probably are familiar with that topic. There are many potentials of enjoyment which I would not like to squelch with a sermon. Probably the sermon will surge up from your conscience anyway to prevent gross indulgence. Meanwhile there can be pleasure with those who are rugged and natural, in settings which feel natural to you.

When you feel isolated and bereft, at certain moments, that is the time to ponder paragraph 1, that is, the deep changes you feel are going on in your life-mission, making it closer to your soul's desire. Lonely moments are deeper moments. G*d can be found in them.

Then, soon after, there is strong social stimulation once again. It makes you feel you are in command of the forces centering around your community, master of your castle no matter who visits it.

Such internal strength is bolstered on a King of Clubs day. A kingly figure in your present or past may be speaking to you through the day's events.

There is speculation concerning your home, location, travel or a move. Or this might be about someone else who is moving or traveling. It may be impossible to see too far ahead, but it's possible to see just far enough to get started with whatever is essential.

You are sensitive to invisible forces and this can be productive of good, or of happy synchronicity.

A forecast for everyone requires fine judgment. There is one warning for the day, having to do with something explosive in your home or living situation, maybe your work headquarters. It could be as simple as a plumbing or heating problem, or as bad as an explosion, but of course this last would be statistically unlikely for any individual. Reasonable caution would be the sensible approach.

The contrary balance of that is: You may be coming into a sense of possession in relation to your home or a possible home. You feel you have an entitlement which is likely to manifest in the near future. Perhaps you get clues about this. You might visit a luxurious place. Traditions which have been happy for you are revivable in mind and perhaps in fact. Those with whom you communicate uphold standards you also accept and that is satisfying.

{Wednesday} *Smoothly Reconstructive*

Cosmic Piper

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