Thursday, March 10, 2011

Forecast for Friday 11 March 2011

Friday 11 March 2011

}Green Light?{

This seems a change-over day, with questions about your next program or venue. Travel? Worries about your home? All rather confusing, and I am sorry to say that since we are near the end of the Bright Epoch and beginning a week from today will be in the Dark Epoch when planning, for two months, may be under a cloud. I myself wish I had arrived at some more conclusive conclusions or valid strategies in the past two months, but I am struggling along as best I can. Sometimes changes made in a Dark Epoch are okay. Nothing is cut and dried about astrology, but I try to make the major decisions in the Bright Epochs. So you might want to try that, at least, in the next week, that is, decide on what you need to decide for the period up to May 11 anyway.

Choices in connection with a woman important to you might be crucial today. Who is in charge, you or she? There are good potentials; it is the Queen of Diamonds day; but this queen might pose some hazards for you. Adjustments, however, can be made if you are careful. You have a mandate to decide what is important in your world, in terms of your career and home. You want to do what is right. Something fortunate is shaping up if you can carve it out of potentials you sense.

Someone you know who goes out of her way to be kind to others is good for you. She or he is a soft, sweet, heartening influence. By giving others the benefit of the doubt she increases their confidence. She herself may lose, outwardly, through that attitude, yet gain inwardly.

There is idealization of roles to be played, in public; your career, demi-career or position before the world's gaze. You could be on top of this, at least in mind and attitude. At worst, you could be cocksure, too convinced you see things correctly when others do not. This could diminish certain opportunities. Or someone else may have that attitude, so you see a stubborn block in each other.

You do not shrink from work. You may consider going to a place where you would be working outdoors. This could be good for you. At the same time, there would be genteel people around you who would make the situation easier. There would be peace and prosperity in this situation. (This might be something you do today for a while; or a clue to long-term possibilities shaping up.)

A desire to be free is strong and might affect your relation with someone you like. Is being with her or him a release or a bondage? If you are unsure of the answer, you may need to delay your decision. There is a progression of steps ahead of you, and this person, or the situation he or she represents, is one step, not the final one. You get on well and yet there is a reserve of antipathy or ill-will, maybe just disagreement, in one or both of you, which needs to be overcome. Yet you can make temporary plans in this connection which might be the best you can do at present. There is at least friendship. Considering all factors, I am going to take a leap of faith here: Despite the negative things just mentioned, it might be excellent to make some important choice or decision today, having to do with relationship, home and career. This could be a happy Friday in many ways.

{Friday} {Green Light?}

Cosmic Piper

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