Monday, March 14, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 15 March 2011

Tuesday 15 March 2011

*From Wilderness Toward Affection*

The astrologer Al Morrison told me, in one of his unforgettable moonlight classes in New York many years ago, that he thought Uranus had more to do with nuclear energy than Pluto. At the time I did not agree with him. I am still not sure. They are both connected with it---there is Uranium and there is Plutonium. (Occultists believe that names such as these are not random.) And now, with the serious problems involving nuclear reactors in Japan, Uranus is moving to a square with Pluto. It is seven degrees, and closing. But it will not be exact until June 2012. This does not mean that there will be more nuclear accidents necessarily, but perhaps that this one will stimulate and challenge the nuclear industry and government oversights of it to tighten safety rules. It is perhaps a providential warning! Insights such as this are what astrology provides invaluably.

On Tuesday we escape from the |more stressful, at least emotionally, third of the week| at about the same time (thirty minutes after) the moon escapes from its void-of-course position in Cancer and enters Leo, namely at 12:34p PT | 3:34p ET | 7:34p UT (times except of course Univeral Time now are in the Daylight mode). Things should be picking up after that, if not before because of nice lunar aspects.

You can hold on to your basic patterns and get your work done with steadfastness.

Many are taking on revolutionary stances, and not only in Libya; there is a cry for freedom or for justice, intertwined in ways no human being or political theory has ever been able to untangle. Too much freedom can curtail justice, in appearance anyway (as the freedom of the criminal), and too much supposed justice can curtail freedom (when it often becomes officious injustice). So people are dividing their activities wisely or with finesse in order to balance both factors. For example, you pay your taxes but do not overpay. Regulators need to regulate much, especially things like pollution, but could over-regulate in ways which cause more problems. We hope the human race is learning better to avoid extremes in these areas.

You might sense how to guide someone who is learning something technical or advanced because you already know the ropes. You likewise learn from some who are bountiful in their kindly instructive abilities. Some of the labyrinthine details of what you are learning may seem eccentric or weird to outside observers, yet have their value. When you fly with the knowledge you are gaining you feel as free as a wild fowl because you see the landscape beneath you.

A word to those in Japan suffering continued dangers: There is safety in numbers. Be careful of a lonesome course because there might be no one around to save you if something goes wrong. For the rest of us this advice might be pertinent in other ways. You can use at least two individuals to help or serve you in preparing the future, with fresh optimism. Ingenious solutions to difficulties are available.

Some who seem lazy, indolent or self-indulgent may attract you even if you see into their escapism. They give up too easily to their desires, not realizing that something better and safer is possible. You could help them through your probity, or offer indirect or subtle guidance. Love is behind all this, or attempted love through lustful obsessions. The way to make it real love is something to find out.

{Tuesday} *From Wilderness toward Affection*

Cosmic Piper

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