Monday, March 21, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 22 March 2011

Tuesday 22 March 2011

~Relaxed and Colorful Variety~

By early afternoon the moon will be out of the Via Combusta. This could mean less uncertainty about a number of things on your mind.

All-in-all it looks like a quite cheery day, with an emphasis on fun, relaxation, pleasure, and entertainment. (This of course may not be entirely true in countries where battles are raging, but even there I would expect they will have some respite today.)

It is true that the sun conjoined to Uranus in the first degrees of Aries, ruled by Mars, is a tendency to rashness---or else to long-overdue action. In Libya and Yemen and Bharain it is not always clear which is which. Today the women behind the scenes, the wives or mothers of the military men in Yemen for example, may have a strong influence, likely of course to be beneficent since women do not like war. I think that at least one leader in these awakening nations may do something highly significant today---if not step down, then something leading in that direction. At least he will place himself before the public eye dramatically.

There is a sort of laziness in people. This has something to do with the Dark Hermetic Epoch lasting until May 11, much to do with today's aspects and positions. Why struggle or suffer overmuch? is a common feeling. That can be wonderful for a while. Affections may seem unstable, as if loyalty in love to one's inamorata did not include loyalty in erotic attraction at every moment. (Some think, Why should it?) Interests and tendencies move around in circles, as if you were on a merry-go-round.

Whether there are also tragic events caused by the warfare or mini-warfare in various places, I cannot predict, but it seems that explosions will be contained fairly successfully. Strategists feel confident of themselves.

To control the spirits by which we are surrounded, we need to visualize and keep in mind just what we are doing and what we want. Then there is a focus to which they can be regimented for good fortune.

You may be happy with your home and what you are doing with it. In your community you express a beneficent spirit which pleases neighbors. This could be true even of those who have seemed malicious in the past. They have some interest in you or they would not care one way or the other. Whatever is deficient in you or unusual can be a point of issue or else it can just make you interesting, if you use it in an appropriate manner. Each one is unique in one way or another. Pleasure in such colorful differences permeates the day's events.

{Tuesday} ~Relaxed and Colorful Variety~

Cosmic Piper

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