Sunday, March 13, 2011

Forecast for Monday 14 March 2011

Monday 14 March 2011

~Aspiration and Inspiration Save the Day~

I reported on I believe Thursday that the |stressful or emotionally worrisome third of the week| was Sunday, Monday, and until Tuesday afternoon. This may not seem terrible this time because of other good aspects including ones with Venus, often a cheer-bringer, but you will be feeling you need to complete certain things, perhaps especially studies or learning in connection with career perhaps. There is usually more anxiety at these times, no matter what you are trying to achieve. It is well to stick with what you know to be solid and real.

Returns from your studies or work may seem mild or inadequate yet you get some good results. You care much about the integrity of spiritual leaders and will not let them get away with hypocrisy. There are times when perhaps all of us have felt that clergy, gurus or other teachers such as rabbis are just pretending to live the life or walk the talk. Perhaps we are unfair, or not. We can learn from one another no matter how we judge one another. Victories at which you aim may be more in the realm of the spirit than in material world of business.

Those suffering in Japan, or Libya, or elsewhere, are needing extreme self-discipline in order to face what they have to face. You may be aware that you are going through something like that on a much smaller scale. (Are we grateful for the way we have been protected from disasters others suffer?) So you are alert to everything which could go wrong, even at home or in your neighborhood.

I don't often quote from astrological books directly, but as I have mentioned the Sabian Symbol for the current degree of Saturn at 15-16 Libra is quite amazing: "A boat landing washed away." As related to much happening in Japan, it is literally perfect ; and of course Saturn is the planet of disasters natural and human. The good side of this degree is stated by Marc Edmund Jones as "a joy in bringing every self-competence to the recurrent emergencies of life," which of course many are doing in the disaster areaas. The keyword for the degree, "Respite," might seem ironic if one views people lying on hospital beds in Japan, and yet at a deeper level for some of them it will in fact be just that---a forced opportunity to regrasp their lives in a different way. Not easy, for sure.

Energetic brilliance and originality are being displayed by many while Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus are together in Aries. These planets squaring Pluto in Capricorn can have a relevance for the earthquake, since Capricorn is an earth sign, and Pluto therein is also squared to Saturn. The happier side of the aspect is this mental brilliance, an ability and willingness to investigate much which is "far out" yet convincing in one way or another---the borderline where real science and pseudo-science, or quasi-science, blend.

Quarrelling is a possibility when people get riled and yet through that there is a search for deeper truths which might resolve the quarrel. If both realize they have only part of the truth, that is all to the good. Then ingenuity is cultivated to meet the challenge. Powers of understanding are stimulated now. You may use them in a way which helps those you care about to meet their own challenges and recover from any persecution they suffer arising from misunderstanding.

Uncertainties and trials there are, aplenty; more than usual; so our patience is being tested. When props or supports seem to be taken away, it is even more important to attend to business and continue your program of accomplishment. The uncertainty may make it harder because of anxiety, but it can be done. Intelligent faith, and flaming aspiration, can lift you above doubts. Whoever has been an inspiration for you, perhaps someone from the past or deceased to our view, can help you enormously if you latch onto the faith he or she has given you before.

{Monday} ~Aspiration and Inspiration Save the Day~

Cosmic Piper

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