Friday, March 11, 2011

Forecast for Saturday 12 March 2011

Saturday 12 March 2011

}Bivouacking Safely; Refuge{

It looks like a good day for organizing things, especially at home or in your work-space, yard, garage, or whatnot. You care about having your space set up nicely for visitors as well a for your own purposes. Travel plans are undergoing modification or research. Some things have a feel of "rightness" about them.

(Interesting that I wrote the above paragraph before I knew anything about the earthquake in Japan. Imagine the "organizing things in home or yard" going on there!)

As goals take on shape you feel more confident, willing to take a few risks because you have vetted them thoroughly.

When people are "sensitive" in the psychic sense, are they passive? They don't have to be. Assuming there are malicious forces in the invisible, there are also helpful ones, and even the neutral ones can be trained and used by a strong will. (The strongest will is the one most surrendered to the Highest Will.) Unexpected troubles may be taken as indications or pointers from that Supreme Will. (The lights went out last night while I was on the computer. "Time to go to bed!" the cosmic nanny was telling me. True enough, and that was so I could get up in time to do this forecast.) (With things like the earthquake in Japan, which happened about when my lights went out, it is of course much harder to understand the divine Will but there is nothing we can do except try.) Today the "aftershocks" of the quake and Tsunami, that is, especially the human shocks, will be happening in accord with the quincunx between Mars and Saturn and the square of Mercury with Pluto in Capricorn, an earth sign; and even if you are in a safe area you may feel those shocks subjectively. (I had trouble sleeping last night and a windstorm is what put out the lights and made things eerie).

If you're reading this report on Friday, let me say that that might be a better day for parties and fun than Saturday, although Saturday is not really bad for that but perhaps a little more tense. People may feel they need to get things done as well as party.

Mysterious forces surround us, some electrical in nature, others inexplicable. I myself take care not to get lost in speculations about UFOs, Teslan energy systems, and the like, because it could take too much of my time, but those who investigate such things may have their hands full.

The Sabian symbol for Saturn's position at 15-16 Libra is "a boat landing washed away." That is pretty amazing in terms of what happened in Japan. Could it have been more accurate? In your own life you might take stock of which "landings" are washed away and which other "landings" will succeed them. You may need to take time to get all that settled. Incidentally, my forecast for Friday titled "Green Light?" might apply to thousands in Japan in this sense: Now that some of them have lost their homes, they have a "green light" to do something new they have contemplated or move to another place. In other words, from such disasters good things do arise. I would suspect this is happening, contrary to what one might expect, for many victims of the tsunami.

As for the situation in Libya, much reconnoitering is going on. It does not look easy. Dangers are intense and the rebels need to take care where they bivouac.

A lot of travel is being planned. This is obvious in connection with the earthquake and its aftereffects. People are on the move, whether right now or mapping out later moves. You may feel you have to go through a cloud to get where you are going even if the destination is desirable. A need for efficiency can motivate you to get things in shape, and this can feel good when you see small results accumulating.

Indiscriminate offense, as on either side in Libya (although the world's sympathies are with the rebels, who are trying to be nonviolent) would have bad repercussions, as it always does. But principled defense, including offense if absolutely necessary, coupled with regard for others, is protected by Heaven.

Quick observation of indications of where the wind is blowing will help you. There is realistic kindness and affection in the air no matter what other difficulties. Someone who cares for her or his home tastefully may be a bulwark or refuge for you.

{Saturday} {Bivouacking Safely; Refuge}

Cosmic Piper

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