Thursday, March 24, 2011

Forecast for Friday 25 March 2011

Friday 25 March 2011

*Altruism Persists through Circumlocution*

Things look quite smooth. Although the moon squares Mars early in the day, after that it moves to a sextile with Venus and Neptune (conjoined at the end of Aquarius) in late afternoon-evening.

The difficulties have to do with the slow and slowing Mercury, otherwise known (in Cosmic Piper's terminology) as the Dark Hermetic Epoch lasting until May 11. (It will get somewhat better on April 24 and even better on May 8.) You may note that things change rapidly. People and yourself are more flexible (good) and therefore more uncertain or less fixed in your routines (not always good) and so things are "up in the air." So much is going on at once and people are re-examining everything, wondering what is next. Sometimes this is confusing, sometimes exhilarating. The Dark Epoch is a time of adventure. It is as if our dreams (which come in darkness) were being actualized (good dreams but also nightmares) in surprising ways and we are willing to go along with that subconscious guidance or dictation up to a certain point. For example, you run into people you haven't seen in a long time. The past comes alive. Your dreams are vivid and meaningful. All that is good, but meanwhile ordinary routines can be swamped by the tsunami of adventure. You have to struggle a bit to keep up with them. Experiment becomes more interesting than rigid adherence to schedules. Yet if you depart too far from the schedules you are in trouble. It is a balancing act.

Adventures do not have to be perilous but could border on that. Your zeal transforms danger into opportunity.

When things seem impossible, it is not wrong to lie down and rest or take a nap. Even in an office you might be able to close your eyes and pray or meditate for a few minutes. Quietude can be revitalizing; or by letting vitality go you recover it ("whoever loses his life for My sake shall gain it").

People's affections are changeable but not false; you may find you are balancing two or three affections at once, none of them pointless, all valid. Things repeat; relationships repeat; there is reorientation. Circular paths are sometimes refreshing. Absence of ambition might mean that you are recalibrating your ambitions in accordance with something implicit, not yet manifest.

Prestige and honor result from holding on to whatever is essential in your vocation, your service to someone or Someone. In doing that you find that you have to reprimand or correct someone who pretends to such service but is really hypocritical. What a thankless task! Yet maybe you are the one to do it. Much is being worked out behind the scenes, not yet manifest as explicit gain.

Attack and defense in warfare may not be utterly clear, as they usually are not until the post mortem. Yet some through valiance are securing the honor of their cause. Continuous idealism can be maintained through the inspiration of poetic words, artistry, and spiritual conviction.

This could be a day when good fortune impels you to ask, "Do I deserve this?" Such an honest question leads to altruistic action and even better fortune.

{Friday} *Altruism Persists through Circumlocution*

Cosmic Piper

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