Thursday, March 31, 2011

Forecast for Friday 1 April 2011

Friday 1 April 2011

~Inward Profundity Prepares a New Cycle~

As pointed out yesterday, this is the second day of the moon being void-of-course, so I refer you to that report for advice.

Yes, more than the usual number of Fools may be apparent today! If you are one, laugh at yourself and carry on.

A bit of advice I did not give yesterday: When the moon is void, as yesterday and today, it can be a good time to get rid of things---throw them out or if possible give them to someone who could use them. I tried that this morning with small success, sorting through possessions and putting them in boxes: "Save," "Maybe Out," and "Probably Out." Not enough in the "probably out" yet.

Sometimes these are good laundry or cleaning days also.

At or near home, or in the community, you may be leading children or younger people. They appreciate your direct honesty. Children see through fakery. They also appreciate the exhilaration of freedom when something fresh is presented to them, and in that case if it is "fakery" they don't mind because they know it is a game. Still, they and you are serious and trying to work your ways through labyrinthine concerns in one way or another---with a sense of inadequacy but not necessarily abashment.

Someone might be concerned that you seem duplicitous, or spreading your affections so thin that he or she cannot depend on you. However, they also sense that you will return---you are off on one of your circuitous absences, perhaps. You may feel the same about someone else. The older and younger seem to be finding solace in each other. Someone interesting to you may seem to be eating too much or too lazy.

Mysterious factors are okay while the Part of Fortune is in the last, twelfth, sector before the New Moon. Also, extra rest, so that the "too lazy" above is okay if it is you rather than someone else! (The New Moon comes on Sunday morning.)

Egoism and vanity in people is pretty much normal, although it tends to decrease with maturity. It might be annoyingly evident while Mars conjoins Uranus, although this is properly a desire for freedom from restrictions. People have to shape themselves in accord with their own ideals. In doing that they sometimes encounter opposition from those who don't appreciate or understand those subjective ideals. (This is sadly true in the case of criminals, or those who have not been able to make their own ideals one with the ideals of humanity.)

The connection of "secret enemies" with the 12th house is evident right now in the case of at least one defector from Qaddafi. He is saying, in effect, that the man to whom he was loyal was his secret enemy. Likewise of course Qaddafi's opinion of him. You may feel betrayed by at least one friend. However, this could be totally temporary, one of the ups and downs of friendship and relationship.

Deeper interests and studies are favored. Profound secrets are revealed to the one who pursues them, while Venus in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. This might also be material prosperity or at least a feeling of security in that regard.

You may realize suddenly that you have been unfaithful, inwardly or outwardly, to ideals---perhaps religious---which have inspired you in the past, so that your conscience brings you up short. Then is the time to reaffirm your faith or allegiance. It is better of course not to make your faith in the Invisible dependent on outward occurrences, as do those who "bargain with God." He is the immutable and utterly dependable.

{Friday} ~Inward Profundity Prepares a New Cycle~

Cosmic Piper

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