Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 20 January 2010

Wednesday 20 January 2010

*Suspicion Mollified Toward Resignation and Congeniality*

We are all Haitians. By that I mean, we are all going through something like what they (and the aid workers trying to assist them) are going through.

Dislocation. Confusion. Lack of some ordinary supplies or conveniences. Waiting. Needing assistance. Trying to re-organize our lives but knowing we just can't do it completely yet. Annoyances; failures of those around us. A need for extreme patience.

I have said, There is only one human being and one planetary horoscope, which is the one I study every day. This is an exaggeration and yet it is true. If you work deeply with what I say here every day, not precisely the words of G*d but so carefully considered that I dare call myself Cosmic Piper, you may find that what is written here will help you get control of your own life---not someone else's---as effectively as anything written by an astrologer studying your own birth-chart. Or, maybe not; I am not making grandiose claims, but I see that when I go deeply into the current planetary patterns and relate them to my own living, I do no need my own horoscope on a daily basis for predictive work. Still, of course, natal birth-charts are extremely important for understanding individual life-patterns and I recommend studying them intensively. By that I mean, the patterns set out at the time you were born, which you brought over from previous lifetimes or which are your basic purposes writ in the heavens. That is a different proposition from predictive work on a daily or monthly basis. For that, you can try all kinds of methods of progression and work with transits to your own chart. But you might find that what is written here will guide you as effectively as all that complicated individual mathematical analysis. (My analyses for the world at large are equally or more complicated.) Or, at the least, it can be a supplement to what you get in other ways.

I am mentioning this because I find that many people, when told "Well the planetary patterns now are such and such," are very impatient, thinking I must be confused or naive, because certainly their own horoscope is more important than "what is going on now in the sky" for everyone. Yes and no. The answer is: If they were to study the current aspects in relation to the past and present of their own lives, they would find that they AUTOMATICALLY interpret them in terms of their own birth-horoscopes. And it is the same with these daily reports. You will AUTOMATICALLY understand what I say in terms of your own patterns, your own horoscope. That is why 20 different readers will get 20 different messages; and yet there is a thread of identity through all of them.

An event like that in Haiti shows how our lives are interlinked. We are just not conscious of that very often.

As for myself, as I write on Tuesday, I find that I feel somewhat lost and struggling to find myself; that I keep meeting delays; that nothing seems clear or codified, in terms of my plans. And I think it is like that with most people. Yet the individual way of being "lost and confused and waiting" is different for each person.

By "waiting" I do not mean you should not be active, especially today while the moon is in Aries beginning at 10:37a PT | 1:37p ET | 6:37p UT. You may feel pleased with certain eventualities which help you feel more at home in the world, even though you are far from feeling really settled. Organizing possessions is a key to many things.

There is a sense of impending adventure, a desire to be with exciting or fascinating people, some of them friends, neighbors or relatives, others strangers. This is happening in ways you could not have planned or foreseen. These people are problematic for you in some ways, but this is good because it requires you to learn and grow.

The seeming aimlessness of the time really means you need respite in order to refine your aim. You can't do everything at once, and sometimes dreaming or idling is a good thing to do, rather than trying to force things which just won't be forced anyway, but tire you out and bollix things up. Entertainment here and there is a wonderful thing. It refreshes the spirit. It also allows for broader perspective so that afterward your own needs are more easily comprehended.

So, indecision is not always bad, either, unlike the message we get from "action movies" where action is always the immediate necessity of the protagonist. A little lounging and a little rest, at this time, can prevent rather than cause loss of time, for rushing around in circles is exhausting and unproductive.

Your public position may be much on your mind, that is, the way you handle what you do in public, which includes your job, career, or any project requiring some kind of public support. You may look at papers or books, or electronic "papers", in order to find your way, and to convince others of ways they could cooperate with you. The power of persuasion is made more effective through congeniality, as for example sharing food, drink or a pleasant relaxing environment.

We are indeed in the |difficult third of the week| so some of the preceding may seem unreal to you. I am outlining some of the better potentials, which can appear serendipitously within a general mood of depression or resignation. Resignation, indeed, is better and more realistic than depression. By not promising much, and not expecting much, you put yourself in a position where whatever happens can be enjoyed more freely.

"A little child shall lead them," even a babe in spirit, for authority gravitates to the one who is simple, honest and inoffensive. You will see something like this happening, with others and yourself, for out of the stress of recent days emerges some kind of effortless grace, a smile or wink, internal poise, reassuring us that all is well.

{Wednesday} *Suspicion Mollified Toward Resignation and Congeniality*

Cosmic Piper

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