Monday, January 4, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 5 January 2010

Tuesday 5 January 2010

\Avoiding Alien Involvement/

The good omens pointed out yesterday seem to have faded. Today we are in the |difficult third of the week| also called the |retreat third of the week| when, as now, we are in the Dark Hermetic Epoch and especially the center of that Epoch when Mercury is retrograde.

Further, after the moon has formed its opposition with Uranus it will be void of course, beginning at 9:26a PT | 12:26p ET | 5:26p UT, until it enters Leo at 8:59p PT | 11:59p ET | 4:59a(W) UT, almost twelve hours.

It's a time to keep your faith strong in the face of disappointment or discouragement.

Classical learning, as from ancient Greece, might turn up as significant. You are determined to "make all knowledge yours" at least in your special field of endeavor. This requires dedication and some sacrifice of other time-wasting desires.

You seem to have the means to enjoy yourself, perhaps with abandon, when you can; perhaps the void-of-course period releases some inhibitions.

I am afraid we, meaning Americans collectively (I am not excluding you Europeans when I write that way, you just make up a much smaller segment of the readership) are under-estimating the Muslim cultures, the Arab and Persian cultures. "One man sharpens another" says the book of Proverbs, and by our arrogant meddling in their affairs we are sharpening their ability to fight back and may "reap the whirlwind" after thus sowing the wind. This is very disturbing to me. I do not think "we" know what "we" are up against. Please let us not make the predictions of the 2012 pessimists a self-fulfilling prophecy. Hey guys, there are nuclear weapons easily available, and more easily available every month, to the groups we call "terrorist." We had better figure out some better way of dealing with that than exacerbating the situation by stirring up the hornets' nest.

It is well to hang close with those you trust, family or neighbors or friends, not so much for physical protection as psychological insulation from disturbances you don't need to get involved in. (Now re-read that sentence thinking of the United States as an entity. Would it not have been smart if we had done just that in the past 40 years rather than get mixed up stupidly in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan?)

You may become aware of the differences between classes, as it were, or those who seem to fail at everything versus those who have a way of insinuating their way into high places with little effort. Even the latter have their troubles today, and so may have some sympathy with the former.

{Tuesday} /Avoiding Alien Involvement\

Cosmic Piper

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