Monday, January 25, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 26 January 2010

Tuesday 28 January 2010

}Finding Peace Within the Puzzling{

Long-term trends are promising; the short term looks choppy, that is, for today and tomorrow. Thursday through the weekend is somewhat smoother. Long-term planning is better than it has been in weeks, more likely to be correct. But some major details may not be straightened out until next week or the week after.

The emotional mood is down today, as compared with Monday, but this need not be an obstacle to getting things done. The new is unsettling; the old and established is comforting. You can rely on the latter to keep you at peace, whether spiritual teachings, poetry, music, or whatever from the past reassures you.

A neighbor, relative, or someone in communication with you could pull you off the path of prudence toward something licentious or self-indulgent. This could impede more serious plans temporarily. People are looking for something to reassure them they are at home in the world.

A friend at a distance, combined with yourself, might have some power you don't fully appreciate. You feel more vulnerable than you really are. You get good luck by facing studies seriously and grappling with difficult information or ideas. That is a major key to this day. It is not so much social as studious, a time for learning, or developing understanding.

You are gifted, both in talents and material abundance. If the latter does not seem true, you don't appreciate what you have or what is available. You might share a meal, drink or delightful perk with someone at or from work, or the boss. Certain interests you thought were yours alone might be shared by someone in a powerful position. Still, it is hard to feel completely at ease with him or her.

The clash of ideas or opinions could be stressful at times. So you need to pull back and understand how little people seem to agree with each other on superficial levels. That does not mean they are not united at a deeper spiritual level, but remaining at that stratum is pretty difficult for our outwardly interacting personalities. The world, history, and human life seem a long process of piecing together a jigsaw puzzle of which no one has all the pieces. Still. you can do your best with your immediate portion.

{Tuesday} {Finding Peace Within the Puzzling}

Cosmic Piper

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