Friday, January 29, 2010

Forecast for Saturday 30 January 2010

Saturday 30 January 2010

*We Need One Another's Talents*

Luna was at her fattest last night and today mildly waning. Her opposition with Neptune, building through the day into the evening, suggests confusion unless you can open yourself to the higher side of Neptune, which is universal love. That's the kind of love which gets tripped up by romantic love, and trips it up! Happy tripping.

Fresh potentials are popping in out of nowhere. At the same time you are aware of the perilous nature of the fate of certain individuals who feel they have lost it or missed it. They may be in the perils of despair. They find you a source of fresh hope. Their conception of themselves and of their position in the world is demeaning and they know they must either give up or find a better way of going. This is a time for "conversion" in the sense of "turning around" or finding a better path. The consequences of not doing so are being made frighteningly clear.

Direction and self-restraint are crucial for sticking to the better path. Your inspiration is real and exalting. When someone seems to be in your way, or in the way of your inspired intentions, you could become so frustrated that you burst out in forcefulness, bordering on violence, before you realize what has happened. Something in you will be what it will be, whether or no. It would be better to find the acceptable channels for it rather than battle against the prohibited ones.

A convivial trend can be ecstatic at best. That could mean partying or relaxed self-indulgence. You will know when it has gone far enough. There is a desire to reach beyond yourself into someone else's life, or the generalized lives of others. The first is personal attraction and romance; the second is entertainment, the arts, theater, literature, or even philosophy. One might regard the second as a substitute for the first; or as a supplement; or a corrective of sheer interpersonal impulse. Which way you go depends on where you are at this point in your life and what you need most. Something in you survives past all emotional vicissitudes.

Your high aspirations make you highly desirous of awakening inspiration in others around you, through either an art, a craft, your business, your career mode, or a talent or skill you like to exercise. That you can do magnificently.

{Saturday} *We Need One Another's Talents*

Cosmic Piper

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