Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Forecast for Wednesday 23 December 2009

Wednesday 23 December 2009

~The Tortoise is Winning~

It's a rather intense day so I would warn against losing your balance. If there seems too much to handle, think of a dancer who balances her or his movements by carrying a pole or other prop. In other words, doing more may make you more graceful and balanced than doing less.

We remain in the Dark Hermetic Epoch until February 5. And Mercury is slower every day; stationary turning retrograde the day after Christmas. So you should not berate yourself or anyone or G*d if things seem to get bollixed up. You are not the only one who feels frustrated by things not working as they ought, or odd accidents slowing you down, and so on. This is a signal to look inward more than outward, that is, take outer things as signals of our inner spiritual and emotional (even ethical) status. We don't have to blame ourselves either, but maybe just slow down, with the increased patience and perspective that implies. You can make a distinction in your mind between the things you need to keep doing, even if they produce no result, because they are wise things to do, and the things you should drop because they are futile. Christmas is not about things but about the Spirit. "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." --Jesus, John 4:24.

Add to the Dark Epoch the sun's approaching square with Saturn, and we may well feel retrospective, with subtle profundity. Mysteries you have investigated, whether esoteric or in your field of work, can be shared, and you use them directly or indirectly in administering public duties. Some of them you keep secret because you know it would merely disturb people if you tried to unearth them. The germ or seed needs the darkness of the soil. Your vital powers, even bodily ones, are nurtured in your soul's recesses. They are shared not intentionally but unintentionally when you meet people honestly, as you sometimes must do.

International charity beckons. Jesus said to invite the homeless to the feast.

There could be anger about household rights, squatter's rights as it were; your privacy and seclusion in your own home or room. Everyone needs a space to unwind and lay down burdens which otherwise could explode in vengeance or troubles and vexations.

Saintly patience is not easy to come by, which may be why Roman Catholics call on their saints! If that is not your path you might think of someone who has passed from this world who could help you, not in a spooky way but from the higher level known in Theosophy as Devachan or the heaven-world in which souls repose between physical lifetimes. There is no death, and it is only because we fail to awaken our higher perceptions that we believe in the grim reaper.

Poise is a gift of the Spirit, when we "worship in spirit and in truth."

{Wednesday} ~The Tortoise is Winning~

Cosmic Piper

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