Monday, December 21, 2009

Forecast for Tuesday 22 December 2009

Tuesday 22 December 2009

~Commemorating True Alliances~

It looks like a quite cozy day, regardless of your particular weather. I venture to say, those who have postponed shopping or other holiday preparation are in for luck because today things could go swimmingly, or should I say ski-ingly. Wednesday and Christmas day are the |difficult third of the week| but there are mitigating factors so it need not be a blue Christmas, just a somewhat serious one. Brawling and bratty kids rather than angelic cherubs. Disappointing presents. Crabby relatives. But the moon forming good aspects later on Christmas should redeem the time.

Finding out who and what is important to you is one value of the last few weeks of the year and first of the next. To whom do you feel fidelity? Whom and what do you revere, trust, honor? You gain strength and status by choosing the god you adore, the angel who guides, the people and organizations deemed trustworthy. They will not always please you. Often they will challenge. But you need them as much as they need you.

If doing last-minute shopping, I would go for the lesser and safer gift, the one which commemorates your friendship or relationship with the receiver in a simple way rather than the one designed to impress. That makes sense anyway, but today there is the possibility of dithering too much and too long. Keeping it simple would help. Relationships and friendships have survived some dire times and circumstances, so can be treasured on that account, without too much fuss.

International relations, annoying and tricky, forbidding and unpredictable, are a symbol of something you are going through which makes you disconcerted about home, family, travel plans, and income. You may feel cheated and angry about some circumstances which have held you back. People's abnormalities are something you have to live with; everybody has one or another, it seems. Vindictive passions may lurk under the surface, ready to run amok unless you sit on them. All this need not destroy holiday cheer. It is an incentive for pumping that up as best you can.

Stability in your desires, relationships and alliances will help you avoid offending others in ways which set you back. In other words, if you are sure what you are about you run less risk of doing things which seem pretentious or disturbing to those with whom you must work or connect. If you view your life as an art object, a painting or sculpture you are working on, you get an objective vision which helps you make your way of proceeding as pleasing, beautiful and valuable as possible.

{Tuesday} ~Commemorating True Alliances~

Cosmic Piper

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