Friday, December 18, 2009

Forecast for Saturday 19 December 2009

Saturday 19 December 2009

}Sharing by Accepting Differences{

Today is the Queen of Hearts day, Sunday the Jack (or youthful androgyne).

See if a male is important in your life Friday, a female Saturday, a young person Sunday. (I care not if some regard this as superstition.) At a deeper level, the King is administrative, the Queen supportive, the Jack experimental, no matter which sex.

Astrologically, it looks like a good day for holiday activity, household decoration, or the like, with an emphasis on sharing in family, community, or group of friends. Reorganization in the home is likely, whether holiday-oriented or not.

Leo individuals are important while Mars is at its rare station in Leo. Funny that I was introduced to a musician named Ted Leo yesterday! (He is a Virgo but I haven't studied his complete chart.) I am also thinking of Sri Aurobindo and Charles Fillmore, two Leos who were true kings, true spiritual guides, as Aslan in the C. S. Lewis fables. (Lewis was a Sagittarian, sign of religion in a broad sense, born when Mars was in Leo, sign of the lion, his beloved Aslan.)

The moon in Aquarius, wherein Jupiter and Neptune also domicile, could bring Aquarians into prominence also.

President Obama is Leo by sun-sign, and Mars's station in Leo corresponds with his decision on Afghanistan, which pleases neither the right nor left nor Afghans nor Americans but seems to have been fated because one wonders if American presidents even have free will when it comes to military affairs, or are prisoners of the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex against which Dwight David Eisenhower warned in his final speech to the American people. Mars the planet of the military in Leo, Obama's sign, might suggest that he has limited control at present, or the illusion of it more likely.

At any rate, your fidelity to a parent-like figure, a ruler you gladly set above you, is strong and destiny-laden. Naturally for American servicemen that is Obama, a Leo; for me it is Sri Aurobindo, another Leo, or Moses and Jesus whose signs we do not know. Also, lesser teachers. "All can be done if the God-touch is there." -- Sri Aurobindo

There is an emphasis on sharing at a deeper level than we normally reach. Naturally Christmas is a "sharing" holiday. You want to participate in everything at a deep level of involvement in the feelings and hopes of others. This can be done whether or not you are on the gift-giving or gift-receiving bandwagon (I am not, because in agreement with the Jehovah's Witnesses who shun gift-giving at this season). It is good to be strong and not too timid when it comes to family involvements.

With Mars at point focus in a Yod configuration, some could feel vindictive. That can be dangerous. If you harbor anger against someone, why not read some of the Psalms? They draw out our anger by recognizing it and objectifying it, asking G*d to avenge us against our enemies. Some, whether Christian or non-Christian, find this offensive, but oddly enough when you read some of those somewhat vengeful Psalms while thinking of someone who has wronged you, the suffering and anger tend to be dissipated. Then you can complete the process by reading some of the teachings of Jesus in the four Gospels (89 chapters). 'Tis the season to be holy (and then jolly).

It is a good time to dissipate jealousy and resentment. None of us probably feels completely loved or as loved as we would wish, or perhaps some do and then realize they still have something to learn about loving. Males learn that it is a masculine as well as feminine skill and learn to do it in their own less effusive manner. Being out and about or entering into the lives of those seemingly very different from yourself, even alien, could be an approach to ending hidden emotional worries today.

{Saturday} {Sharing by Accepting Differences}

Cosmic Piper

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