Thursday, December 17, 2009

Forecast for Friday 18 December 2009

Friday 18 December 2009

\Earned Serenity/

Red for the King of Hearts, whose day this is according to the Mystic Test Book and books based upon it.

We are rising out of the ashes of the |hard third of the week|, finished early this morning.

There is fairly smooth sailing at least until the moon goes void of course at 12:09p PT | 3:09p ET | 8:09p UT. After that, perhaps a relaxed holiday-type evening.

Anyone with holiday travel plans is probably revamping them now. You would like to be with people who give you reflected glory. Your fidelity to roots, family, and community is bringing blessings. Travel can be indirect through communication as well as direct through transporting the body. Parents could be on your mind in a happy way.

For a while you might study business or financial matters at home.

Steadfast labor and endurance will hold things together, especially before the time given above. You are conserving what matters to you, from the past and family traditions. The beauties of the season are sentimental, heartening, and uplifting.

People feel they have to give out what they know. We are all teachers. What you have learned through adversity and struggle you want to pass on to those who can use it. This is a positive human instinct, built into our genes as a race-survival mechanism.

At spiritual levels this can be a teaching of serenity, by being yourself serene. You are thinking more of what people will think of you than of what will give momentary pleasure yet sully you. So you let passions evolve into higher versions of themselves, which are not dull but thrilling at a deeper level than mere sensuality. They use and enjoy the senses while irradiating them with spiritual sensibility.

There are potentials of strife within the family or community, only because people insist on being different from one another. Holiday cheer and charity can mitigate such cross-purposes. They are also reduced through seclusion, letting yourself do some things in private rather than under the gaze of others, even if family.

Venus is trine Mars, so there is a longing for deep sharing, either Platonic or romantic; but square Uranus, so clashing tastes and styles can be aggravating. It works out because Venus is sextile Jupiter, so that a semblance of luxury, plus good cheer, contain and triumph over moods.

{Friday} /Earned Serenity\

Cosmic Piper

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