Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Forecast for Wednesday 2 December 2009

Wednesday 2 December 2009

}Stress as Spiritual Drama{

It could be worth your time to consider the implements or tools you have at hand and how you can use them better. You may withdraw from close contacts. That is all right if it serves a current psychological need. It is well to be humble even when others are not.

Financial and job strategies are on your mind. It is well to develop these patiently because over the next week you will be getting further clarification and good fortune along such lines. If someone who communicates with you seems intent on his or her own advantages, you do not have to play a pointless game.

It is well to avoid making enemies by blurting things out impulsively. A tendency toward ironic sadism could be misinterpreted and would not put you in good stead with anyone. On the other hand, observing such behavior in someone else could be amusing. Some can get away with it sometimes.

After you have handled something complex or technological, you can relax into refreshing entertainment. Someone who can play multiple roles is sincere at heart and could say memorable things. Beyond that, faces convey the verbally inexpressible, which is one reason we have faces.

When you bend and sway to what the winds of fate require of you, things get better, because you are fulfilling your destiny. Anything deceptive in connection with children or objects of affection comes back to you for correction.

When you shine in your sphere of influence, you are exalted by those who appreciate your expertise, even if you have absorbed that from others. Those with biased opinions are not likely to change them now, yet there can still be dramatic impacts from what you believe, which stimulate others to understand things better.

Overindulgence in food or drink can be a poison.

Too much aggression creates negative blowback. It seems that you have good, restraining common sense to protect you from assuming an aggressive stance which would merely attract an attack. You might appreciate some entertainment in which others fight. Somehow human squabbles illustrate or manifest struggles going on in the spiritual world, in ways we can hardly discern or comprehend. That is perhaps why, when we thankfully avoid real bloodshed, we crave entertainment in which people are fighting, whether sports, movies, plays, or pop music (or, unfortunately, "the news").

{Wednesday} {Stress as Spiritual Drama}

Cosmic Piper

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