Friday, June 23, 2023

Message for Week of June 24-30 (Saturday-Friday) 2023

Message for Week of June 24-30 (Saturday-Friday) 2023

Thank you for bearing with me while, over the weeks and years, I have experimented with the best way to elucidate astrological potentials. I believe in weekly charts, Saturdays through Fridays, and here we go for the coming week. This time we traverse from the slowest planet, Pluto, to the moon which moves more quickly than any other indicator. (If you want to know how the chart is calculated, write me.) We use all three sets of symbols for the degree-area occupied by each planet.

Pluto: An arrow in flight, falling or declining, could represent any or all of the U. S. presidential candidates. They all have dilemmas and problems. A secret business conference christens one or another of them, perhaps for the benefit of some plutocracy, but the public, weary of lies, wants "a ruler indeed, a shepherd watching out for the locality of his sheep." Many of us believe that to be Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Neptune: We should examine our presuppositions, for some of them could stand revision. We could then be like "a serpent standing erect within a circle of fire," overcoming even death itself--then entering a fertile garden under the full moon, ultimate fulfillment.

Uranus: A pair of sheers represents any handicraft. My grandfather was a beekeeper and the hives occupied rich grassland in an orchard; we all have richness through the utility of what we do. When needed, a white dove over troubled waters supplies guidance.

Saturn's symbols remain the same this week as last, and we gave the most disturbing one yesterday, "a man submerged in water" who cannot be saved after making a bad decision. That applied to the "Titanic 5" who lost their lives in an ill-advised adventure. And we have the same warning this week: Don't attempt what is too dangerous, beyond your capacities. Listen to a practical business person, cantankerous but common-sensical. And listen to a girl blowing a bugle summoning you to something noble and courageous.

Jupiter: New moons occur on a very dark sky, and so gloom suffuses us at the very beginning of something good. We can whistle in the dark. (Or, better, pray.) Then a decorated Christmas tree appears out of nowhere, symbolizing everyone's childlike hopes. We walk free as if a portly man among pigeons, ministering to those youthful among whom we are popular.

Mars is at the degree of Sri Aurobindo's birth-sun. He was a bareback rider, audacious enough to claim that the Spirit could infuse and transform our bodies through purna (integral) yoga. His writings appeared in his monthly journal as regularly as the turnings of an undershot water wheel. They, and his later epic poem Savitri, shine like a bright, pale blue star over a clear lake, the receptive human mind.

Sol: An iron gauntlet, sword, and scourge on the stump of a tree represent sell-assertion amounting to bullying. But on a live tree grows a single beautiful, full round apple. One advances toward excellency. Dancing above, on a moonlit night, are two fairies, the ascendancy of soul-companionship beyond the commonplace.

Venus: Sisyphus rolls his stone up a hill only to have it fall back down. One evening he gazes upon a crescent moon joined to a shining star and knows that through divine help he will one day accomplish his task. In the morning he fathoms than the sun is worshipable and joins with Zuni zealots in its praise. 

Mercury: The remnants of a feast betray gross choices and excesses. A mouse finds all this but a cat intervenes; they argue. At night the moon is visible, but only its other, always-unseen side seems interesting. The one who meditates on that darkness becomes a moon-set magician who is not really crazy.

Moon: He ponders a human skull, melancholy but capable of occult penetration. An unusual odor permeates the atmosphere; somewhere there is a broken bottle. Or someone is making unusual creative effort. By daybreak the sun is rising over the sea and a great headland. It and individuals embodying its virtues are lofty and elevated, imbued with feelings of magnanimity and reposeful strength. Looking forward with confidence, their hopes shall not be frustrated.

{Week of June 24-30, 2023}

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 24: Moon in Virgo

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues

Sunday 25: Moon in Virgo-->Libra

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 4:17a PT | 7:17a ET | 11:17a UT

/moon goes void-of-course at 3:25p PT | 6:25p ET | 10:25a UT until it enters Libra at 3:56p PT | 6:56p ET | 10:56p UT

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