Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Message for Wednesday 28 June 2023 ~Distinction~

Message for Wednesday 28 June 2023


There can be a sort of "lost" feeling while the moon is in Libra and Scorpio, the Burning Way signs. Yet good things can happen. One degree-symbol is "a person holding up a scale in his hand, with even beam" and this suggests someone who "will spontaneously detect a falsehood, or an injustice, or any wrong." There is plenty of such to be detected among current events.

"An untidy, unkempt man" could represent a perverse neglect of self, or just complete self-obsession. One does not give a hang what the world thinks; one is imperturbable. Dr. Jones opines, "Paradoxically enough the bringing of reality to center is a development and sharing of its potentialities."

One might be "the apple of someone's eye." "I see one large, ripe, nicely-tinted apple suspended from a bough. There is but this one on the tree." "This denotes one who will advance from comparative obscurity to a position where there will be no compeer to rival his excellencies." This might also suggest that one is narrowing down one's options to very special and valuable ones, rather than trying to encompass too much.

One could become eminent through association with some person of high rank and merit, as if one were "a crescent moon joined to a shining star." One might travel to distant places, actually or in mind, and shine brilliantly. One becomes distinctive, and one's associations are a major means of one's success.

{Wednesday} ~Distinction~

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:20a PT | 4:20a ET | 8:20a UT
until it enters Scorpio at 1:57a PT | 4:57a ET | 8:57a UT
< moon remains in the Via Combusta

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