Thursday, June 22, 2023

Message for Friday 23 June 2023 \Review of Week Ending Today, Friday/

Message for Friday 23 June 2023

\Review of Week Ending Today, Friday/

Is it hard to write these forecasts? No kidding. After years of struggle and research I have arrived at a daily formula for the degree-symbols and they are meaningful if one takes time to ponder them, especially at the end of the day when one knows what one actually experienced.
As for a weekly forecast, I believe it is possible but it has been harder to work out. TMI, too much information, with 30 degree-symbols for the weekly chart in the three different formulations I have found to be valid.
I have noted that the Borelli-Sepharial symbols seem to hit really harsh events with extreme accuracy. That was true on 9/11/2001 and I have given those symbols here. It is true again as I write, when it has been concluded that the "submersible" vehicle housing five explorers of the old Titanic wreckage has been lost, with apparently no survivors. And here is the symbol for Saturn in the weekly chart (and the symbol for the degree it currently occupies as well, Pisces 7-8. (Pisces is the sign of the ocean, ruled by Neptune): "A man with upraised arms submerged in the water, over which a heavy rain is falling. This is the index of one who is liable to suffer many affronts of fortune, due chiefly to his own incompetence and the attempting of things and enterprises that are beyond his powers. Let him study humility ad service of others, and cultivate a proper understanding of his own aptitudes and powers. ^Thus he may escape a sudden and unlooked-for ruin which otherwise must attend him in the boldest venture of his life. He may go into liquidation and become submerged,^ and crying for rescue from his helpless state, there may be found none to weep for him save Heaven, which yet is kind in that it permits this warning. The strong swimmer alone can attempt the deep waters."
That was written in the 1880s. I don't know how it could be more accurate in this case. Of course, Saturn is in that degree for all of us, and we experience it differently. Do you see how it might apply, more mildly than in the case of the Titanic 5, to something you are facing?
Rather than the daily symbols, let's look at some of the others which also apply during this week ending Friday. Have they been working out for you?
"White dove over troubled waters," keyword Guidance. This may have enabled you to escape the fate depicted in the previous symbol even if it came close to you.
"An arrow in flight, but declining." This seems to be the trajectories of all the U.S. presidential candidates. All of them have their peculiar dilemmas and none seems clearly to be on the rise.
"An old man poorly clad, raking in a river to collect pieces of wood." No comment.
"A wolf following a sheep along a secluded pathway" signifies seduction or deception or whatever else may be suggested. "One who will form associations with a design of ultimate conquest."
"A large archaic volume" provides the spiritual background one can rely upon for correction and guidance. What is archaic may be more strengthening than something current but superficial.
"A secret business conference" sounds like plutocracy of a manipulative and selfish nature but could be Opportunity for philanthropy lifting all boats.
"Bathing beauties" display their personal assets charmingly. Oh, but the Wolf may be interested in them.
Or they could find congenial companionship at "a houseboat party."
{Friday} Review of Week Ending Today
Cosmic Piper
Moon in Leo-->Virgo
/moon is void-of-course
until it enters Virgo at 3:36a PT | 6:36a ET | 10:36a UT
|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is at its peak this afternoon, ending Sunday morning

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