Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Message for Thursday 1 September 2022

Thursday 1 September 2022


Moon in Scorpio

< moon leaves the Via Combusta in early afternoon but remains in Scorpio the sign of its “fall”

|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until Saturday

1 What does it mean that the moon is in the sign of its fall? If you have had a friend who was born with the moon in Scorpio you have a clue. These people are jealous, extreme in their likes and dislikes, intense, sure of themselves without logic or reason, moody and brooding, easily hurt, passionate and stubborn. Great friends, sometimes, until they aren’t.

2 So today with the moon there while opposite Uranus and square Saturn, moods could be intensely gloomy, or one could reach levels of detached profundity at the best.

3 I am letting these posts be scattered, in honor of the Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch lasting until October 17. Things in your life may seem scattered and hard to hold together.

4 And so, do not think “I am losing it.” It may seem that way but it’s just that your subconscious mind is running away with itself, pursuing half-conscious memories or regrets or semi-abandoned hopes. You are not senile or dim-witted.

5 Yesterday morning my computer was not connecting to the internet so I had to re-start it. Stuff like that, technological glitch stuff, happens more often.

6 On a different topic, do you know anyone between the ages of 25 and 29, or do you remember what was going on in your life at that age? I maintain that these five years are the most dangerous or critical in most people’s lives. Read newspaper headlines and stories and you will see that many who are victims of kidnapping, or suicide, or imprisonment, are in that age group, and often 26. The Saturn return happens for all during these five years, usually about 28 as an average but its effects are spread over those five years. There are other numerological factors I believe, especially with 26. Two days ago I wrote about Kurt Cobain who took his life when he was 27.

7 The closest square in the chart for this fortnight (until September 8) is Saturn square Uranus. Both these planets have to do with the earth’s resources, and Uranus is in Taurus the sign governing the physical earth itself. Look at all the news concerning oil, natural gas, pipelines, the selling of these resources to Europe by Russia, or the absence of the selling resulting in a coming hard winter (Saturn is cold). Some strong environmentalists are saying that, until nuclear energy is available in a big way, we are just going to have to use oil and natural gas, like it or not, to avoid more difficult problems. This aspect continues, by a ten-degree orb, until January 24, 2023. Will things get better after that? We can hope. The stupid war in Ukraine, no longer tearing the world to pieces? We can hope.

8 The closest square or opposition in the fortnightly chart is Mercury opposite Jupiter. This is intense differences of opinion, including religious ones. Mercury rules lower education, as in schools, and Jupiter higher learning as scriptural or philosophic or professional. Right now Project Veritas is making public an interview with the principal of a school in New England who admitted that he went out of his way to avoid hiring Roman Catholic teachers or others who had a conservative attitude. Of course this is not only ethically wrong but illegal.

9 Saturn rules hair and skin. With Venus opposite Saturn, many are “messing with” their hair to make it more manageable or attractive, and some are suffering skin problems or unusual itching or nail problems.

10 You might find yourself drawn to old movies. I just put a library hold on three old ones, two of which I saw decades ago. This kind of thing happens more often in the DHE (to October 17).

11 Likewise with old books. I heard today a podcast interview with Spencer Klavan who believes we ought to be reading the classics such as Homer, Shakespeare, and so on. Last week at the library I scanned new novels and they all seemed superficial and boring. Then I saw John Milton’s Paradise Lost and felt, this is something I can get my teeth in. (I admit I haven’t made much headway with it yet.) We need the “best of the past” at these times.

12 But we do not need endless recycling of last week’s news, which I am finding online and in the newspapers. The past is good but not if it becomes a vice hiding what is worthwhile in the present. The FBI thinks it has found treasure at Mar-a-Lago. Really?

13 But I’m staying away from most politics, with Mercury opposite Jupiter, which can be a need to look carefully at both sides of any dispute, and hardly any of us are good at doing that.

14 No promises, but Saturday, Sunday and Monday should be better, with Luna in Sagittarius rather than Scorpio and lunar aspects smoother.

{Thursday} ~Scattered~

Cosmic Piper

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