Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Message for Wednesday 3 August 2022

Wednesday 3 August 2022

Nancy Pelosi's Journey; and {Casting Spells{

A lot is happening on the “world stage” while Mars is conjoined to Uranus (in Taurus) and both square to Saturn (in Aquarius). This is a potentially violent or danger-fraught aspect. Further, the sun in Leo is building up to a T square with all these planets. Aquarius rules aviation. So does Uranus. Mars rules violence or attack. As we all have heard, yesterday the U. S. bombed and killed, via a drone, a major Al Qaeda terrorist leader, Ayman Al Zawahiri. If I were into making predictions of disasters I could have predicted some kind of major violence involving aviation.

Further, Nancy Pelosi has just landed in Taiwan and will talk with officials there Wednesday. You can check out the media reactions to this—-a great deal of it is negative. Pelosi is considered to have breached advice from the Biden administration to do this, and many regard her trip as an “ego trip” to make a final display of her glory while she is still Speaker of the House. What is amazing!: In her birth-chart (March 26, 1940) Uranus is at 19 Taurus and right now Uranus is at 18 Taurus and Mars with it at 19 Taurus! This is a “direct hit.” Further, her Venus is at 20 Taurus and her Mars at 26 Taurus, opposed by the transiting Saturn and conjoined by Mars and Uranus. Now if I were into sensationalism I could say “Maybe Pelosi will trigger a war” or “be assassinated” or something extreme like that. No, things do not generally play out that way. Further, Venus at 19 Cancer is sextile (very good aspect) Mars and Uranus, which is why this is a “fun” or exalting trip for her, a chance to use and prove her “charisma” or charm as well as her authority as Speaker. 

Pelosi is Aries and has, along with many other Aries individuals, been accused of narcissism. As another Aries I refrain from commenting upon that! But Aries does have a rebellious side. One of the symbols in the chart for the week (Charubel) says: “This person will do some great deed in life, which will be handed down to posterity. He will live to a ripe old age.” Another symbol for the week: “Three men in a boat, two on one side, one on the other.” This could be the U.S. and Taiwan on one side, China on the other. “Denotes one who will meet with much rivalry and opposition.” But things could calm down: another symbol for the week: “A sailing ship on a calm sea.” “In whatever sphere of action he may be engaged, he will come out with honor. He will receive the plaudits of the age; but such popularity will not long survive his demise.”

My only prediction: It shall be interesting.


The wind blows the clouds into fantastic patterns

While people hasten to their jobs and projects.

The moon wanes. On the sea a ship roves slowly,

Seemingly disabled. Instability trumps perseverance.


At a tavola set for a meal the adversarial man

Fondles his stiletto, headstrong but honorable. His friends

Regard him a champion. A trencherman with sharp wit,

He holds his head high. His pride seems harmless.


A fine white bull grazes in the shade of a large tree.

Its owner has a large estate and leads a reserved,

Advantaged life. Toward midnight he sits by his lamp studying

Grand problems, with gigantic will: a magician.


Approaching life with gusto and sharp wit

Prepares the soul for deeper strains of magic.


{Wednesday} {Casting Spells}

Cosmic Piper

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