Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Message for Wednesday 31 August 2022

Wednesday 31 August 2022 

~Life as Art~

Moon in Libra—>Scorpio

< moon is in the Via Combusta

/moon goes void-of-course at 3:44a PT | 6:44a ET | 10:44a UT

until it enters Scorpio at 10:12a PT | 1:12p ET | 5:12p UT

|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 8:22p PT | 11:22p ET | 3:22a(Th) UT (until Saturday)

We are experiencing more fully the Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch of August 20 through October 16 (with the three-week Mercury Retrograde period at its center). I am feeling it and probably you are.

1 Out-of-pattern. Things go in patterns which are unusual.

2 Laziness, or a need to REconstitute oneself more than usual through daydreaming or napping.

3 REview of everything, so that one sometimes feels that one has to start a new life in order to rectify or complete the old.

4 But how to do this? The way is obscure, so it’s

5 Trial-and-error.

6 Venus is opposite Saturn until the end of the Labor Day weekend. This is not always “Nobody loves me” though often that. It can be “I don’t love anybody” because one sees into people’s failures and weaknesses.

7 But that means one has a chance to RE-find what love really means, for it includes patience and kindness, and fortitude with every other’s foibles. “Judge not, that ye be not judged” can be a good motto.

8 Can an old love be revived? Maybe; maybe not; that is for you to find out, but it is a toughie.

9 Who is it that you think of the most when daydreaming? It may be that you have unfinished business, or karma, with this person.

10 Yet the indirect, rather than the direct, approach may be needed. That does not necessarily mean retreat, but an approach based on prayerful aspiration.

11 When it comes to politics, things are chaotic, for people get tangled in their feeling-opinions too much rather than looking at policies and their results rationally.

12 From last week through September 7, business and finance are hard because of Mercury’s opposition with Jupiter, yet that planet is trine Mars while Mars is sextile Jupiter, so it is possible to “figure out” a reasonable and winning financial strategy. This involves looking at and considering both sides of every proposed gambit and sometimes “playing it down the middle” because Mars is in Gemini. (Making few changes is often best during a DHE.)

13 Information is needed. In politics that is hard because most news sources are deliberately biased toward one side or the other. Finding unbiased news sources is hard. I could tell you mine but you might think they display a bias.

14 And so sometimes mum’s the word.

15 You care about the truth, and about principles, yet you also care about people who don’t see things the way you do. Dilemma, or opportunity for spiritual growth?

16 With Venus as the “planet of oriental appearance" it could help to think of your life as an art. You can arrange things, events, and people in a way which brings out their inherent beauty and the beauty of their relations with one another. This can be not stressful but easy.

{Wednesday and more} ~Life as Art~

Cosmic Piper

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