Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Message for Wednesday 21 July 2021

 Wednesday 21 July 2021

^Strength Being Established^

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:27p PT | 6:27p ET | 10:27p UT
until it enters Capricorn at 3:37p PT | 6:37p ET | 10:37p UT (just ten minutes later!)

Challenge:  Patience, firmness, and steadfastness are essential, as if one were 'plowing with an ox in a field, a thick wood at the back of it.'  The wood could be endless seeking and diversion, while the field, plow and ox are one's clear duty.  This can be a menial duty or an exalted one, such as being or associating with a government official 'lofty in his or her deportment.'  One feels that one's strength is coming to the fore, establishing one's position, but this should not 'go to one's head.' 

Process:  One has inherited a stature or status of some kind which is respectable.  Relying on an established tradition is strengthening, as if one were 'a Daughter of the American Revolution.'  There could be questions of trust, of allowing others to know one's secrets.  One has 'an unsealed letter' and might entrust it to someone who will not (one hopes) betray one's confidence by opening it.  There is spiritual integrity behind everything and everyone such that one can rely on their discretion.  True, one might be disillusioned, but suspicion is a poison worse than minor embarrassment.

Blessing:  Luna forming smooth aspects with Mars, Venus and Jupiter supports two positive symbols indicating 'prosperity through ordinary means' and 'the freedom and intuition of a young horse running across a field sniffing the wind.'  Some of this felicity may be laissez-faire; but there are also studied-out gains, indicated by 'an old sage sitting by his midnight lamp studying some grand problem.'  Profound intellect, mature judgment and a gigantic will sum up to 'a true magician.'

{Wednesday}  ^Strength Being Established^

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  These reports are for anyone interested in them, regardless of politics, religion, or opinion.  However, I would not be true to myself if I did not state:  

I acknowledge my experience of Jesus of Nazareth as the Christ, the Messiah, the Saviour.  

That does not mean that I disparage all other spiritual paths.  I have learned an enormous amount from the Hindu tradition, its saints, yogis and gurus, indeed its Avatars who to me are Sai Baba and Sri Aurobindo in their modern guises.  

Here is something from Baba Muktananda's book on his guru, Sri Nityananda:  "Great saints like Gurudev Nityanandaji come into this world for its emancipation under different names and forms.  Even after meeting such rare sages, ill-fated persons still remain as thy were, mere ciphers involved in petty-mindedness or selfishness.  Who could be more unfortunate than they?"

This supports, in a way, the Christian belief that if one rejects Jesus one is a lost soul.  Because for many in the West, Jesus is the only Avatar with whom they are acquainted, and if they cannot see or sense his divinity, where is their consciousness?

- H H H / C P

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