Friday, July 23, 2021

Message for Sunday 25 July 2021

 Sunday 25 July 2021

}The Ineffable Pursuit{

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces
/moon goes void-of-course at 2:15p PT | 5:15p ET | 9:15p UT
until it enters Pisces at 8:31p PT | 11:31p ET | 3:31a(M) UT
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until 4:30p PT | 7:30p ET | 11:30p UT

Process:  Two major oppositions could make one feel like a soldier prepared for battle, of ready spirit, responding quickly to the call of duty.  Executive powers can be used effectively even during the 6-hour void-of-course period if this feels essential.  One may feel a servant more than a master while knowing that service is one's princely training school (Sri Aurobindo).  If ramifying details seem perplexing, still one can choose among them adroitly and know at a glance what is advantageous.  

Blessing:  Venus, planet of love, has some challenging aspects, yet two hands are linked in a close grip of friendship.  There can be a constructive, harmonizing and humane trend strengthening one's morale.  Even if alone, one might be dreaming of fairies, of personified powers which can manifest as men, women or children.  People smile at one another in a way which persuades towards intangible ends.  Imagination plus a little self-assertion summon fresh realities. 

Challenge:  A cat upon the watch for prey could be a big cat, a lion, a little household cat, or a human who is circumspect, a fast friend and unrelenting enemy, patient in accomplishing desires.  Let's hope the prey is something inanimate or incapable of suffering, like a vegetable!  (Or, if it is human affection, good luck with that.)  We all get what we need but some are more definite and conscious in their pursuit while others just wait and then give thanks.  A vocation is often called a pursuit.  Some may feel down today and need extra rest.  Expecting a lot from anyone is probably a mistake.  [The previous paragraph gives a happier ending.]

{Sunday}  {The Ineffable Pursuit}

Cosmic Piper

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