Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Message for Wednesday 27 May 2020

Wednesday 27 May 2020

^One's Ultimate Course plus Effective Self-Interest^

Moon in Leo
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues until Thursday morning

Luna square Uranus happens twice a month and is normal but it can be edgy or antsy, and we have the symbol "An industrial strike."  It shows "the necessity that man act in his own interest"  There obviously needs to be "constructive reorganization" in the job sphere.  Andrew Yang is proposing a four-day work week, which makes sense.  As for office workers, some of them can do their work at home, which doesn't sound bad to me but some have said it is not ideal.  For today, commercial pursuits, bookkeeping and accounting might be good things to accomplish if you have been postponing them.

At the spiritual level we have "men seeking illumination."  Some might see this as hypocritical escapism, but we need dedication to something ideal, and "illumination" makes that real to us.  Quiet ones meditate while active ones in complementary mode preach or lead.  There has to be perseverance to complete any effective pilgrimage.  "False virtue" fades when we hold to our "ultimate course." 

"Digging in the air and sowing to the wind" could be a tendency if we lost touch with what is practically doable.  However, Mars square the sun while sextile Uranus suggests that it's possible to execute plans, cut out one's own line in life, and excite attention like "a flying arrow."  One seems to be investing in one's career in whatever way turns up as momentarily feasible.

{Wednesday}  ^One's Ultimate Course plus Effective Self-Interest^

Cosmic Piper

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