Monday, May 18, 2020

Message for Tuesday 19 May 2020

Tuesday 19 May 2020

^Reading the Compass^

Moon in Aries-->Taurus
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues until Thursday morning and could be most intense today
(bad hair day? too many worries? out of sorts? just plodding on?)
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:34p PT | 4:34p ET | 8:34p UT
until it enters Taurus at 7:12p PT | 10:12p ET | 2:12a(W) UT

One might rest on one's laurels.  The final days of a decreasing crescent moon (the New comes Friday) are often times to get extra rest when the oomph seems to have gone out of things.  I find that my exercise program is harder to maintain then, though I can do it with extra will power.  Or, sometimes, take a natural break from it for a day or two.  Yet today there could be wealth, influence, and love of ease. How did one get wealth? The Psalms teach that only loyal adherence to the Supreme Lord and his behests can bring lasting riches.  "The breast-plate of the Jewish high priest" belongs to anyone who has occult knowledge based on devotion and reverence.  It enables "mighty deeds as a magician."  

At home base in your consciousness, supporting you, there is "a church bazaar."  This is both devotional and humanistic; also entertaining; and it brings multiple benefits.  You have allies.  Maybe they are linked with you through some religo-mystical-spiritual group, or maybe through a more secular one.  Together you are able to have a better "sextant and compass" than you could have just by yourself.  That is a sense of direction, with sharp definition, clearing-up of mysteries, and precise intention. 

Yet Neptune remains squared to Venus, and now Mercury too.  This could come out as "anything could be true" or a sort of indifference, or else a willingness to experiment playfully when no utterly clear truth or direction is evident.  You have to do what feels right to you at some personal level.  This could require persistent effort, such as "cutting down a tree to be used for fuel or building material."  The high priest's magic is not gone, but inspires some practical activity revealed as important to your own consciousness-compass.  That is part of the magic.

{Tuesday}  ^Reading the Compass^

Cosmic Piper

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