Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Message for Thursday 28 May 2020

Thursday 28 May 2020

^Languid Target Practice^

Moon in Leo
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week ends at 8:57a PT | 11:57a ET | 3:57p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:31a PT | 9:31a ET | 1:31p UT (until Friday morning)

"A quiver filled with arrows" gets us right into the square of Sol with Mars, exact over the next few days.  It is well-intentioned but hasty, precipitous, opinionated and sometimes quarrelsome.  There is a feeling that action needs to be taken "right now."  This could be true in some cases, so long as one avoids the danger of running too many risks.  Of the symbol of the quiver and arrows, Dr. Jones mentions "the inalienable right of man to make demands on his fellows" and so one might be bold in asking or demanding.  Or, if without help, one can "rise to the issue" through prior self-training.  Charubel gives "a large clock with weights in sight" suggesting we can observe shrewdly "what pertains to cause and effect" and be "splendid timeists in music" or in the music of life.  That would bring the sun-Mars impatience under control.

We have to note that the moon is void-of-course virtually all day.  That would increase the likelihood of making precipitous mistakes.  If you read this ahead of time you might wisely make important decisions or choices on Wednesday or else Friday and the weekend. If one is calm, the v-of-c can be refreshing, even a "lark," although the pressures from the sun-Mars square will keep one thinking and acting.  Weighing things and experiencing them without making commitments is wise.   

At a spiritual level, Mars in Pisces moving toward Neptune in its own sign fits with "a mountain pilgrimage" or a quest for something beyond one's power to embody without divine assistance.  One cannot live on the mountain peak, probably, but visiting it re-inspires ideals which can be lived out in the valley.  "Men seeking illumination" are dedicated to some apostolic succession or valid tradition whose purity of motive re-creates us in its better image.  

"A farmhouse in the mountains" with a "white gate" may be a good symbol to contemplate.  Charubel says things of a white color are favorable.  "A flying arrow" fits the sun-Mars square, a desire to execute things, to cut out a line which excites others.  Mental penetration is effective even if the "target practice" is just practice for now.

{Thursday}  ^Languid Target Practice^

Cosmic Piper

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