Sunday, May 3, 2020

Message for Monday 4 May 2020

Monday 4 May 2020

}Clarifying Focus{

Moon in Libra
(since very early in the day, times given in Sunday's forecast)

A fellow astrological enthusiast has written about the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn, which is with us now and was exact on April 4 and will be exact again on June 29 and finally on November 12, before Jupiter enters Aquarius on December 19.  Apparently some astrologers are making a big thing of this.  It is significant, of course, but not of overwhelming importance in my opinion.  

Let's reason it out.  Pluto can be plutocracy, the power of money and those who own it, big business.  It can also be the power of government as either corralling or buttressing the business people and plutocrats and bankers.  As it affects "common people" with modest resources, it is whatever big business and big government, through their decisions and activities, do to those people's  bank balances, income, liquid funds and "fun money."  To a huge degree, of course, this is beyond their control, hence the queasy implications of "plutocracy" as "dwellers in dark fortresses manipulating the rest of us for their financial gain."  To anyone I would say, if the shoe fits, you will be wearing it.  Some "ordinary" people admire the plutocrats and, as the saying goes, "suck up to them."  Others despise them and fight them politically, economically or however they can.  To each his choice.  I can see both sides of the equation, usually, and so find it hard to be other than a "moderate" politically.

And so, we have Pluto in Capricorn the sign of government; it has been there since February 2008 (with a few backward lapses into the final degrees of Sagittarius) and shall be there until November 2024 (with a few forward jumps into Aquarius and back).  Obviously these sixteen years have been and shall be years when the relations of government and business are being reconsidered and developed in new ways, good, bad, or neutral.  It's all too complex to put in a convenient box.  Astrology sets the backdrop, not the details. Putting it too simply, big business, plutocracy and banking are being "controlled" in some ways by government (Capricorn, the natural 10th house of government).  As for the details, read the papers and the financial journals. 

We had the huge bailout of 2008-2009, which everybody is aware of.  We have now the "pandemic bailout" which is different and yet the same in some ways.  The last time individuals were given government checks as stimulus payments was in March-April of 2008, under George W. Bush, when not only Pluto but Jupiter was in Capricorn.  It is now twelve years later, and Jupiter has a twelve-year cycle, and behold! the second time the U. S. government has given stimulus checks is upon us, with Jupiter in Capricorn again.  Jupiter is the planet of generosity, Capricorn the sign or house of government, so the government is being generous because of a perceived need for "bailout" funds.  Why is a bailout necessary?  Well, consider what too many astrologers overlook, something very basic in astrology, the "essential dignities."  Jupiter has been said since ancient times to be "exalted" in Cancer, and "in its fall" in Capricorn.  And since Jupiter rules finance in general, finance is "in its fall" when Jupiter is in Capricorn, and behold! two bailouts and two stimulus payments during the last two times Jupiter was in that sign.  Is astrology real?

As for the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, which was already exact once on April 4 and shall repeat at the times I have given, it is a basically good aspect, munificence.  But, since Jupiter is "fallen" in Capricorn, the munificence is modified---we are getting stimulus checks, but is the amount of them really enough for us to go dancing in the streets?  Well, the restaurants and party and entertainment places are closed anyway.  It's a sort of modified munificence, though very welcome, as is the "bailout" of those who have lost their jobs and cannot pay rent and so on.  If we want to blame a planet for the pandemic it probably should be Saturn because he or she has been in Capricorn and Aquarius during the whole period, and "rules" both of those signs and so "rules" most other planets from that position and is a planet of restrictions, often, however well-intentioned they may be.  Maybe Saturn is trying to teach us how to be alone (he's a planet of loneliness)l, and how to protect ourselves (a planet of caution and protection).  Also how to live on less money (a planet of poverty).  

Will things get better when Jupiter enters Aquarius just before Christmas, December 19?  I hope so.  I do not go out on a limb to make predictions.  Astrology provides context for thought and speculation, not exact answers to questions about the future.  The sheer complexity of astrological motions, positions and aspects is too immense for pat answers.  I hope what I have just said provides helpful context.

Monday:  The moon in early Libra is good because she is forming a trine with Venus in Gemini, providing some good moods and friendly associations.  We remain in a Bright Hermetic Epoch and Mercury is conjoined to the sun exactly today, which is the astronomical center of that Epoch.  We are thinking pretty clearly about plans, hopes, and ways of attaining them within current circumstances and potentials.  You might think out and write down what you hope to do or complete during the next month, before the next Dark Hermetic Epoch (more confusing or inner-focused) begins a month from now on June 2 (until July 26).  This might go better today than Tuesday and Wednesday, likely to be the difficult center of this week (by the relations of Luna with Saturn as well as the Via Combusta).  

{Monday}  {Clarifying Focus}  

Cosmic Piper

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