Monday, May 4, 2020

Message for Tuesday 5 May 2020

Tuesday 5 May 2020

}Measured Development While Waiting{

Moon in Libra
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us (until Thursday afternoon)
< moon is in the Via Combusta (loss of morale, or confusion during a cosmic reshuffling)
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:32p PT | 10:32p ET | 2:32a(W)  UT
until it enters Scorpio at 0:06a(W) PT | 3:06a(W) ET | 7:06a(W) UT

Partly because of the above, frustration could lead to anger, and we have, symbolically, "A man beating an ass with a stick."  Not smart, and cruelty always gets a karmic payback.  Or you may feel that you are the victim.  It is good to be circumspect lest you be treated unfairly.

It is possible to measure everything accurately, symbolized by "a hydrometer."  For example this could be the parameters of rent or mortgage payments, or other household matters related to family or roommates.  Your work, or a project, could proceed expeditiously because you look into things with precision and exact principles, as if using "a sextant and compass."  Defining things well, you do not lose your way.

You are doing something important to you when others think you are at play.  You may seem indifferent to the results of complex activities when really very sensitive to all their implications, but having the good sense to wait before making an issue of anything which could be called into question. Others may be confused about some things and it may be wise to wait out some matters, which could be straightening out by Thursday.  A sense of humor could help.

{Tuesday}   {Measured Development While Waiting}

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  This from Monday's forecast remains relevant:  "We remain in a Bright Hermetic Epoch and Mercury is conjoined to the sun closely, which is the astronomical center of that Epoch.  We are thinking pretty clearly about plans, hopes, and ways of attaining them within current circumstances and potentials.  You might think out and write down what you hope to do or complete during the next month, before the next Dark Hermetic Epoch (more confusing or inner-focused) begins a month from now on June 2 (until July 26)." If this is hard to do today and tomorrow because of the Via Combusta, it could go more smoothly from Thursday on.  You are likely to be at a plateau of good thinking and planning.

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