Sunday, May 17, 2020

Message for Monday 18 May 2020

Monday 18 May 2020

^Pleasing or Useful Convergences^

Moon in Aries
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week begins at 4:48p PT | 7:48p ET | 11:48p UT (until Thursday morning)

The long-lasting trine between Mars and Venus, good for "love" in any mode including just friendship, was from March 10 through May 15.  I have felt its absence since Friday, but didn't realize what was wrong until I looked at charts again today (Sunday) and noticed the absence (by a standard 10-degree orb).  It seems to mean that we feel a little less of the exuberance of living and its interactions, a little less joy in conversations, flirtations, in the imaginary life of literature or movies, and so on.  However, we can make up for that in other ways.  And then the Venus-Mars sextile, just as good as the trine, will be with us beginning June 21 and lasting through August 8.  This again is unusually long because Mars will be slowing down.  We have a lot to look forward to.  (But this does not necessarily indicate anything about the pandemic, its duration or intensity.)  Today, Monday, there could be some harshness in consciousness, a sense that someone has been tyrannical or bullying or sadistic, or a sense that one has indulged in such feelings oneself.  To get away from such unpleasantness one might think and act speedily, like "a rapid stream."  This could be superficial, shallow thinking plus self-will.  

All this is something like "heavy traffic on a narrow isthmus" which is not good, literally, during the sequestration.  It could be "stubborn blindness to the general welfare" as Dr. Jones remarks, and that would fit perfectly someone refusing to stay home or distance or wear a mask or whatnot.  That is, the "traffic" is dangerous.  Or it could be a smart use of various convergences and connections, if one uses "a sextant and compass" to gauge one's best course.  That could amount to utter precision in defining things, courses of thought and action, so that one is reliable and useful in some capacity.  

Luna's sextiile with Mercury and Venus late in the day and evening is reminiscent of "a woman holding scales containing a cup of red wine on one side and golden coins on the other."  One might choose between wealth and pleasure, or whether an expensive escapade is worth the cost.  This could be earthy desires, while the sun continues to trine Pluto and Jupiter in earth signs.  Yet there is a goodhearted wish to share everything in a gentle, winning, artful manner.

{Monday}  ^Pleasing or Useful Convergences^

Cosmic Piper

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