Friday, September 6, 2019

Message for Weekend of September 7-8, 2019

Weekend of September 7-8, 2019

\Developing Restrained and Careful Judgment/

Saturday 7 September 2019
Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week begins at 9:55p Friday PT | 12:55a Saturday ET | 4:55a Saturday UT (until Tuesday)  
/moon is void-of-course
until it enters Capricorn at 3:38a PT | 6:38a ET | 10:38a UT

Sunday 8 September 2019
Moon in Capricorn
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:28a PT | 2:28p ET | 6:28p UT

We continue to study the month of Virgo, August 23 through September 22 (two more weeks).

I admit that I may have been too rosy in my first report on this month. I let two factors determine my prognosis, too much:  (a) the Grand Trine in earth signs, which is very helpful for straightforward progress, and (b) the fact that we are in the center of a Bright Hermetic Epoch (Mercury neither slow nor retrograde). It is true that these two factors help a great deal.

However, I did not pay sufficient attention to the hard aspects among the planets. Sometimes I have been feeling this period as if it were a Mercury Retrograde period. Now I see that that is because of harsh aspects to the planet Mercury, namely its opposition to Neptune  and square to Jupiter. According to the Heindels, in their Message of the Stars, that opposition makes for "a chaotic mind, liability to lack of memory, indolence and a disposition to dream the time away. There is a restless desire for fame frustrated by inability to fit in anywhere."  If that sounds true of you, you could "blame" this aspect, although it would be better to conquer the painful tendencies. Robert DeLuce says of this aspect, "Isolation, disappointment and betrayal by the worldly minded." "Only those who have made peace with their souls and who look to Spirit for their comfort and safety may pass this period without anxiety or loss." 

The square between Mercury and Jupiter is similar. The Heindels warn that we may "lose opportunities through procrastination and lack of judgment."  There could be scandal because of "treacherous associates," or else one may oneself be accused of treachery, fairly or not. For example, during this period I walked out of the public library and the beeper went off. I had checked out four books but two of them somehow did not "take" in the system. It was embarrassing and insulting to be accused by a machine of theft. Then a few days later I could not make calls on my cell phone. An insulting voice said I needed to "call customer service." After that I lost opportunities one day, because of no phone service, and the next day finally found out that when my bank had changed the code  on my debit card I needed to report that to the company with whom I have the wireless phone contract. I spent another whole hour finding this out and correcting it. It felt like Mercury Retrograde, but it was Mercury square Jupiter and opposite Neptune. The warning of "procrastination and lack of judgment" apparently applied to me, as the Heindels warned, but I felt that the phone company had been "treacherous" because they had not clearly notified me of the problem before I wasted hours because of it. Phone stuff and technology stuff and bank-card stuff and library stuff is all Mercury stuff.

Mr. DeLuce also says that Mercury square Jupiter could seem to cause some to "hold ill will against the native or cause him loss or vexation, especially if he has spoken carelessly to them or in their presence." This happened with two individuals, and possibly a third. The fact that I am not sure about this third one, and worry about it, is a Mercury-Neptune problem, uncertainty. Just be honest and ask the person? I am afraid of making things worse.

Neptune of course is the planet of drugs and alcohol, in its lower aspect, so some of one's problems could be caused by, or exacerbated by, such habits.

The sun is also square Jupiter, in fact that is the closest aspect in the monthly chart. This can be giving too much or inappropriately because of a desire to appear well before the world, but the gift goes awry or is unappreciated and is a loss. Of course this is not always true and if you tithe, you could just be sure you are giving to a cause or charity you trust. Mr. DeLuce warns against lending during such a time. The Heindels say that one might eat too much (Jupiter can be excess) and exercise too little, resulting in health problems. (I have been fighting that tendency in a big way.) There is a tendency to scoff at religion, or if you are very religious yourself you will encounter others who scoff at it, and therefore have to examine and fortify your own beliefs, your scaffolding toward the Supreme.

Mars also is square Jupiter, and this is in CEO Carter's view the worst interplanetary aspect of all other than Mars opposite Jupiter. I believe it is coming out in the "trade wars" and the Hong Kong situation as well as in the Kashmir-Pakistan-India situation. We are lucky that it is not producing more outright violence than it has. However, Mr. DeLuce says that this aspect at best "develops strength of character, independence of judgment and courage to meet the obstacles of life." Amen to that.

More next weekend about the smoother aspects in the monthly chart. I believe it is likely that the Democratic debate this week will be helpful in winnowing the candidates. I myself believe that Andrew Yang will do well because he is addressing basic economic problems in a sensible way, as a Capricorn (with strong Aquarius emphasis), and that fits with the good aspects in the monthly chart, the Grand Trine in earth. Whereas the other candidates could get lost in the turmoil of the squares with Jupiter, which tend to be the ideological "hot button" issues which "get people in a tizzy" under the influence of these current aspects, and that could be to their detriment.

With the above information perhaps we can salvage the next two weeks of this Month of the Girl or Virgin. 

{Weekend of September 7-8, 2019}  \Developing Restrained and Careful Judgment/ 

Cosmic Piper

P. S. I could have said much about the current wind-storm situation, but the hurricanes tend to come at this time of the year every year, and that is a non-astrological phenomenon. But usually the strong storms are accompanied by clear astrological factors also, and this time that would be the multiple oppositions with Neptune in Pisces, sign of water and the ocean, and also the square of Neptune with Jupiter, Jove or the "sky-power."  I am not sure that analyzing this would be particularly helpful for those who are having to take reasonable precautions during the storms. It would, however, be interesting in connection with pure astrology.

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