Friday, September 27, 2019

Message for Saturday 28 September 2019

Saturday 28 September 2019

}New Mellow, Refreshing Moon{

Moon in Libra
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us (until Monday)
New Moon of Libra occurs at 11:28a PT | 2:28p ET | 6:28p UT

In the procession of the daily symbols, according to the formula I have developed painstakingly over the past decade and more, we begin with some nice ones this time and proceed to more difficult ones. First, "I perceive nothing but sunshine--all is bright--a cloudless sky." This is to be taken symbolically, not literally, for often there are clouds and rain during a |difficult third| (and these are hitting the weekends again and shall for a while). Charubel says this indicates happiness and prosperity. Then there is "An old-fashioned signboard suspended from the branch of a tree before an ancient looking wayside inn." Let's go in, put our feet to the fire and drink a toast to our health.

Interesting characters surround us, eccentric, maybe grotesque or peculiar, perhaps geniuses of a disorderly sort.  At the same time history and artistry are blessing us, "Three old masters hanging in an art gallery," so there is accord with all varieties of human potentiality.

There could be some hard labor in store, for one is likely to care about one's career or position in the world. One wants to govern oneself in a patient and enduring manner for the sake of the rewards that assures. Yet there can be hospitality, sincerity, and friendly entertainment, "A well-lighted house with open door." 

Values are passed on from one generation to the next, "Grand dames at tea," granting one aplomb in the world one's ancestors have handed down. Such cultivated poise is essential because "Two men are placed under arrest." One might see this in politics---the "two men" could be virtually any two you choose in the three-ring impeachment and counter-impeachment circus. Or you may sense that you and someone else are "arrested" in the sense of having to face issues together, consequences of past activities. This can be salutary as well as difficult. Life goes on and the previous paragraphs show that we can find recovery from misdeeds or negligence.

{Saturday}  {New Mellow, Refreshing Moon}

Cosmic Piper

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