Thursday, September 26, 2019

Message for Friday 27 September 2019

Friday 27 September 2019

\Plodding On with Aplomb and Poise/  

Moon in Virgo
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:59p PT | 11:59p ET | 3:59a(Sa) UT

I shall mostly avoid politics. I must say however  that the beginning of impeachment (if that is how the vote is going to go) is not a very good time for it, or else one might say it is the perfect time. What I mean is, this week Venus is exactly square Saturn. This is just about my least-favorite aspect and has been for decades. It is the "nobody loves me aspect" and all feel it in one way or another. Of course Trump feels it, and yet his campaign raised five million dollars in sympathy money yesterday and millions are supporting him and feel even stronger about supporting him because of the impeachment threat. Of course the Democrats feel it, and impeachment is their way of saying "If you don't love me, voters, see what I will do! Destroy your favorite candidate! Hahaha!" Anyway that's what it looks like. Schadenfreude, joy in the suffering of an enemy, is a Venus-square-Saturn self-indulgence, and not a good one. Americans are indulging in it  to their detriment. Of course, we don't know yet even whether the House Judiciary Committee will recommend going ahead with impeachment. Things could change. 

Friday:  "A man feeling his way over a bog, where he appears to be sinking at every step he takes" does not sound promising. Donald Trump, or the Democrats, or both? If it feels also like yourself, be patient: By late afternoon or evening, things may seem a lot better. (I am not basing that on TGIF but on the motion of one planet into a different position around sunset. But yes, TGIF!) 

With Luna in Virgo conjoined to Mars, it is good to be a plodder, to keep on with ordinary things and get them done. Yet going along with the TGIF syndrome, we have "A large audience and a man at the piano." Yes I think I will be up for hearing the piano man, after plodding sufficiently to assuage my conscience.

Along with the Mars syndrome comes "A red triangle" indicating impulses which have intelligence behind them but could be too forceful. Persuasion is better than a temper-tantrum. "An old door in which a dagger is stuck" could show Trump stabbing at "existing systems" or it could show the Democrats sticking their dagger into Trump Tower and the White House. All this betokens a "mocking, taunting spirit" which however does not escape "the hand of retribution." Which side more deserves that retribution depends on your political viewpoint. Meanwhile we may all well tone down our uneasiness with things as they are rather than toss daggers at them to evoke a repercussion.

Let's calm down. By Happy Hour or later we have less anxiety and may be like "Grand dames at tea," whatever our favored beverage. We sense that we have an inheritance or position with some privilege which grants us aplomb. "A retired sea captain" is someone else as well as ourselves relaxing into past achievements and enjoying life around us because we have made peace with lessons we have learned and our further potentialities. Aye aye, Sir! Ma'am! Cheers! 

{Friday}  /Plodding On with Aplomb and Poise\

Cosmic Piper

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