Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Message for Wednesday 4 September 2019

Wednesday 4 September 2019

~Desires Calmed Within Wise Choice~

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:59a PT | 6:59a ET | 10:59a UT
until it enters Sagittarius at 8:09p PT | 11:09p ET | 3:09a(Th) UT

A man using the I Ching in China is "a strong hand supplanting political hysteria," I see from the symbols. Good luck to him. Or maybe he is in Hong Kong. May its citizens be blessed and protected!

Another person is looking at pebbles on a sheet of paper, with pen in hand, contemplating methods of computation. Probably in 2019 this is a computer technician or programmer.  In your own life you might calculate things to advantage, sensing what possibilities lie ahead and how you could profit from them. You might also, like the Chinese diviner, sense how to calm people down and lend them peaceful perspective.

That is important because the strong squares between four planets in Virgo and Jupiter in Sagittarius suggest basic differences in cultural, religious or political perspective needing reconciliation.

There could be a taste for a bit of mild sadism, with "a husbandman or cattle-dealer holding a stock-whip in his hand," a rough and rustic type. Of course I abhor cruelty to animals but a more symbolic forcefulness among humans, with erotic overtones, is something else entirely. This does not go too far because we dwell in "A broad tract of open fields under the moon's rays; a river winds its way through them." We may feel calm, joyous and tranquil. Then the influence we exert is not forceful but persuasive and effective through harmony. There could be fine arts, music, poetry, and painting. 

Luna void-of-course in Scorpio suggests sexual urges gone awry, at worst, but sublimation is possible. "A bride with her veil snatched away" seems phallic. Added to "a swimming race," it seems that there is a choice of mate, the possible bride having to decide which male wins the race, or the potential groom having to decide which bride's veil to unloose. One offer is eliminated for the other invitation to take effect. 

{Wednesday}  ~Desires Calmed Within Wise Choice~

Cosmic Piper

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