Thursday, August 24, 2017

}Patience through the Tangled Path{

Friday 25 August 2017

}Patience Through the Tangled Path{

Moon in Libra
< moon in the Via Combusta

Guys, I am finding it hard to keep to my schedule of the daily forecasts based on the astrological positions and the symbols of the zodiac as delineated by three old clairvoyants and three interpreters of them (one of those three myself). 

It is a lot of work and takes a lot of time. I want to do good work and would not resent the time it takes except that these are very peculiar times.

We here in America can hardly stop thinking about Donald Trump and this tends to make us helpless.

Consider: Mercury is retrograde. This is always hard for everyone. It shows something very close to insanity, in most of us. Consider: Donald Trump has both the sun and Uranus in Gemini. He is therefore "ruled" by Mercury, and when it goes backward (retrograde) he is even more strange and unpredictable than usual. Mercury went retrograde on August 12, the very day of the Charlottesville parade and protests. Trump has been blamed unfairly for those, and I have defended him in that situation. But he has been insufferable along other paths, I am afraid, and he needs an astrologer such as Cosmic Piper to help him navigate these Mercury-retrograde periods. If he loses his job he will probably lose it during one of them.

I had planned to write a long diagnosis of what all this might mean, in relation to Trump's birth-chart or horoscope. That I could do. But it takes an enormous amount of time and research to write anything credible and honorable. 

When will I have that time? Not now.

And so all I can say is, Be careful. The moon is in the Via Combusta, one-twelfth of the zodiac, until Monday (the second half of Libra and first half of Scorpio) which has been observed by ancient and current astrologers as indicating confusion or loss of morale--because of a cosmic reshuffling of things. 

Not only are we in that period of the month today through Sunday, but we are in the Mercury Retrograde period (August 12-September 4) when people literally go berserk. They are nuts. Your neighbors, your mate, your co-workers and your boss are nuts. You will have to be patient with them. They can't help it.

So all I can say is, Buck up. Be patient. Wait for better things. 

I am in prison too. We are all in prison.

The T square in cardinal signs today (with the moon in Libra ticking it off) suggests "Too many irons in the fire" and a too-broad spread of interests and intentions. We need to narrow down. A white farmhouse in the mountains is something you could meditate upon until you get a glimmer of intuitive understanding.

People feel that others are against them, even if that is not true. There is opposition, "crossed swords." Where does it go? We have to find out patiently.

What is your inheritance? What will help you overcome obstacles? Why is that so uncomfortable? You want to defend the weak, with cool courage. You can. Let's try that, in whatever position we happen to be.

You may feel insensitive to what the world demands from you. "Why bother? I am I. Let them suffer if they think I should be something else." 

Long and patient research along some line will be useful to you and your career.

Have your projects fallen, collapsed? Have you followed along a false trail? There is still hope. You have a strong sense of freedom within you and self-reliance plus intuitive judgment. So you can get on a more prospering path.

{Friday}  {Patience Through the Tangled Path}

Cosmic Piper

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