Sunday, August 20, 2017

Message for Monday 21 August 2017

Monday 21 August 2017

\Calm and Collected, Please/

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
Total Solar Eclipse exact at 11:26a PT | 2:26p ET | 6:26p UT
(These times are from the American Ephemeris. They may need adjusting to your area so you ought to check local information if viewing the eclipse. Be careful of your eyes when viewing it. Filters or else very quick glances at it, followed by looking away, are recommended.)
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:31a PT | 2:31p ET | 6:31p UT
until it enters Virgo at 1:26p PT | 4:26p ET | 8:26p UT

We are all learning to be careful what we say and how we say it. Partly this is Venus square Uranus on one side and Jupiter on the other. Friendships or alliances seem to fracture for little clear reason except that people "rub each other the wrong way." Of course this does not have to happen if we are conscious and careful. Sometimes it can be opinion differences on politics or religion (Jupiter) and sometimes differences of personal style (Uranus). 

As for fractured alliances, it is interesting to note that Steve Bannon is Scorpio; and the man who was probably most effective in removing him from Donald Trump's team, John Kelly, is Taurus; and these are opposite signs. Of course they are not always "enemies," they can even be marriage partners, but they have things to work out. Likewise, James Comey is Sagittarius and Trump Gemini, opposite signs. Some of the inter-Administration differences and battles are being worked out along traditional astrological lines, it seems. 

Mercury being retrograde, and opposed to Neptune, where did efficiency go? You can still summon it, and be sufficiently efficient to avoid disaster, but it seems hard because things seem to interrupt or intervene, or there are more unexpected details to handle than you had anticipated. One has to be a master of timing, of juggling tasks, to come through such periods without upset.

Political-Spiritual-Astrological Statement

I wish I did not have to write this, but circumstances seem to be compelling me. 

There is so much excitement, anger, self-righteous ranting and even rage on "both sides" or "all sides" of current controversies in the U. S. A. that I too have to say something.

Let's take the astrological side of this first. Mercury is retrograde! Mercury is retrograde! Mercury is retrograde!

I have to say it three times because (a) it is so important and (b) although it is one of the most popular bits of "knowledge" in astrology, still the majority believe it is a superstition. It is not. It is not. It is not a superstition.

It is real. It is real. It is real.

I have said.

So what does it mean, now? That people are going nuts. Mercury symbolizes, among other things, the human mind. The human mind can get confused; it can get tangled; and it can go berserk. It is doing all of those things, in various people, at the present time (August 12 through September 4. The Charlottesville rally was on August 12.). 

It can also be a period in which people slow down, rethink, re-estimate, re-analyze, ponder, remonstrate sometimes, repent sometimes, regather impressions and conclusions, regret mistakes, reply to others' misleading statements or accusations, and on and on. It is a big "re" time. And it is totally recognizable once you have observed two or three of these periods consciously.

And so now, after the Charlottesville "march" of about 300 (it is impossible to find a good estimate of the number but this is what I have seen) sad, confused individuals, the whole nation is going berserk with recriminations if not acrimonious verbal attacks. 

Meanwhile, at these times, facts sometimes go into the discard. Have you read a news report which carefully estimated the number of various viewpoints held by the 300 or so people in that sad little "march" in Charlottesville? I have not. I did see a Nazi flag among the marchers, and was abhorred by it. But how many would have identified themselves as Nazis, or pro-Nazi? I would guess maybe 50, maybe 30, maybe a handful? It takes only one to carry a flag. The information about who these people were is just lacking. Nobody seems to care; everyone just wants to get angry or upset. 

Many were there to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee, which is what the march purportedly was about. That does not mean they were Nazis or fascists! Not everyone in the South who believes that some bits of their history ought to be preserved in monuments is a racist, in fact probably most are not. Maybe you have to be born and raised in Dixie to know Dixie. Yes, there is racism there, but not very much of a serious sort in 2017. 

But here is one problem with Mercury retrograde (hereafter referred to as MR for convenience): People jump to conclusions. If there is one Nazi flag in the march, they are all Nazis. If Trump says there are "many sides" in relation to the issues brought up by the sad little march, he is a white supremacist. Does the conclusion follow? Not at all, but too many, while Mercury is retrograde, rely on their previous conclusions (the "mind" is going backward after all) rather than on testable facts and logical thinking.

Now that I have said all this, I will probably be accused of being a Nazi, fascist, or white supremacist. People! Please. I am just asking for patience, sobriety, and common sense. 

Here is something I recommend: Read viewpoints opposing your own. I subscribe to the online New York Times. I am very weary of its now very boring anti-Trump propaganda, although of course I did not vote for him and as you know if you have been reading these reports I opposed him vociferously during the campaign. But he is the President for now, until the constitutional processes of our democracy remove him, in three and a half years or sooner, and so it behooves us to work against or for him through legal processes rather than go about like madmen with bees in their bonnets. 

Just saying.

So if you read always CNN or the New York Times, do yourself a favor and spend some time reading Townhall, the Weekly Standard, Breitbart, and Fox News. You need to try to comprehend a little about that viewpoint before you launch into attacks upon it which may be uninformed and biased. You may still hold the same opinions, but you will at least know what your opponents are saying. They are probably less crazy and racist than you think. Then your articulation of your opposition will be much wiser and more effective. 

If you always read the above "right" publications, spend some time with the New York Times, CNN, the New Yorker, Huffington Post and other "liberal" or leftist rags. We do need to try to understand one another. There is "fake" or edited-to-opinion news on both sides, including the New York Times sometimes--in that case, often through omission, that is, not reporting certain things, such as the persecution of Christians and others by Muslims around the world. The NYT is terrible at that, and culpable.

History works out through complex dialectical processes. The tiny number of the original marchers or ralliers has become almost insignificant because apparently the issues they raised were ready to burst in the national consciousness, apart from numbers. The World Spirit, in Hegel's terms, is working something out. It does not have to be with clubs and balloons filled with urine (as some of the leftist counter-protesters were said to have used). It does not have to be through people yelling at each other, although that has been happening. 

It is interesting, but sometimes alarming when otherwise sane, good people start to go berserk. 

Now there is the eclipse. As I have said, I do not believe that eclipses indicate disasters. They may be unusually significant as showing trends coming to fruition. I make no predictions about this one except that obviously people are hyped about various things. We shall see. 

Meanwhile, during the Dark Hermetic Epoch (of which Mercury retrograde is always the inner core), until September 19, it would be well to be very cool, calm, and collected--to use an old cliche which has fresh meaning.

{Monday} /Calm and Collected, Please\

Cosmic Piper

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