Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Message for Tuesday 29 August 2017

Tuesday 29 August 2017

^Reserved Carefulness^

Moon in Sagittarius
|Karmically serious or challenging third| of this week is upon us (until Thursday afternoon)

Sagittarius is an optimistic sign, and Luna therein is sextile Jupiter, so that will help us maintain hope and good feelings during the |difficult third| period. Because of the latter, we have to keep up with whatever makes our conscience feel that we are doing something important or helpful for the world or for someone other than just ourselves. 

Here is what I wrote earlier today (Monday):

I don't know how many readers think about Mercury retrograde and the void-of-course times and the other information I provide. I don't hear from anyone about all that, or very seldom. But I am convinced that if you were to watch it closely you would see what it means and it would help.

Today, for example, and it's just after noon where I am:

While Mercury was retrograde today (until September 5) and the moon void-of-course also (until 12:49p my time) the following happened:

1. I did some good spiritual study, prayer, and meditation. That can go very well during such periods.

2. I tried hard to keep up with my daily Hatha Yoga routines. These kept being interrupted but I kept trying.

3. Just as I was in the middle of one of them, there was a loud knock on the door. I couldn't imagine who. It was a postal woman delivering a package for a neighbor that I had ordered for him. Good for him, but for me it set me back in the yoga session and I forgot where I was and had to do some of the exercise over again. 

4. Then a horribly loud engine-machine noise began outside my window. Someone working on the water system next door. It was relentless, like 20 cars being revved up at once, and not stopping. 

5. Then, when I could hardly hear myself think, an unexpected phone call. It was one of the funds I invest in, informing me that the fund was going to be liquidated this week and I would have to REmove my money from it. This was not happy news for me because it was a good fund. This is not only typical of the Mercury retrograde period---revisions, revamping, re-investing in this case--but likewise of the void-of-course period of a few hours this morning. I had to ask multiple questions of the fund REpresentative about what it meant and how to navigate the situation. The horrendous noise did not help. And, yes, something--this fund--was going into the void!

6. I informed my friend by text that his package was here but that I was going to take a bath. That went all right, but I put on a pair of socks which, when they were on my feet, did not seem clean so I changed them again. REpeat, REdo while Mercury is REtrograde. Even in tiny things like that, it happens. 

7. Then I checked my forecast for Monday to see if the moon was void-of-course still. It was (a voided pair of socks!),  but I found that I had put a wrong time on the moon's entrance into Sagittarius. I immediately corrected it in all the online blogs, and send a correction to the Yahoo groups, just minutes before the event. I can blame my mistake there on myself but also on Mercury retrograde, last night when I wrote the forecast. One needs to be extra careful at these times. I had to correct the mistake while the moon was void-of-course, and it certainly felt like my effort was going into the void, because it was too late for anyone in the Pacific time zone to benefit by my correction, most likely. 

8. Another knock on the door. This was my neighbor coming for his package. No problem. I checked the time. He knocked on the door at 12:49 p.m. Pacific time, the exact minute Luna went into Sagittarius! The package was void-of-course for me, when it arrived, interrupting my yoga, but not void-of-course for him, the recipient. Fascinating.

9. At the spiritual level, the earlier morning was highly valuable from a Retrograde viewpoint. I read in the Gospels that Jesus had said, "The Son of man has the right on earth to forgive sins" and then he said to a paralyzed man "Man, your sins are forgiven you" and then he was healed.  I went into a long prayerful period of reviewing sins I may have committed toward friends in the past, some of them more than 20 years ago. I asked forgiveness for neglecting or ill-treating friends. This was a spiritually valuable use of the Retrograde period, and I recommend it. REpentance is not depressing but uplifting, when undertaken patiently and with faith that there is divine help for the sincere.

Now I have the afternoon ahead of me. I am hearing some very old music on the radio, unplanned by me, something I heard first in my boyhood. That is typical of Mercury retrograde and the whole Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch, living partly in the past. 

We need all the help we can get because things do not always pan out smoothly during any Mercury retrograde period (until September 5). Today I was chatting with a stranger for a while; astrology came up because he saw me looking at daily charts; studying the fight between McGregor and Mayweather. I could have picked the winner, but did not do so, not having looked up the fighters' birthdates beforehand. The stranger was skeptical of astrology, which is not unusual. I looked at him inquiringly for a few seconds and said "You seem Taurus to me." He said that I was right. But this did not end his skepticism. I guess he thought it was pure luck that I picked his sign correctly when the chances were just one out of twelve! I find that nothing convinces skeptics. They seem to have an illness of some kind. But we carry on with this difficult science or semi-science which is definitely not a pseudo-science. 

On Tuesday there is modesty, a holding back of affection perhaps, or an interest in someone but a refusal to get lost in pursuit of her or him. Even though feelings are generous, there is delicacy and reserve. There is caution, cunning, and subtle intelligence, with a desire to do what is right.

Charubel says of Mars's degree that we ought to go north of our birthplace. I take that to mean, in the daily readings, north of our residence or maybe our place of work. So if you go out wandering, head north and see if that enhances your luck! Let us know what happens. Or, if you are happily centered at home or at work, ignore this bit of advice.

{Tuesday} ^Reserved Carefulness^

Cosmic Piper

Praise ye the Lord, Praise ye the Lord from the heavens: praise him in the heights.
Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts.
Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light.
Let them praise the name of the Lord Jehovah: for he commanded, and they were created.
He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not pass. 
Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children:
Let them praise the name of the Lord [Jehovah]: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven. 

--Psalm 148

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