Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Message for Thursday 6 July 2017

Thursday 6 July 2017

^Luxurious Passivity Within Action^

Moon in Sagittarius
|Karmically serious third| of this week continues (through Friday)

For two days the Sabian Symbol of the sun's position (which usually changes every day but sometimes remains the same for two days when the apparent speed of the sun, that is, the earth's motion around it, is slower) was "A very old man facing a vast dark space to the Northeast." I used the symbol in the poem for the forecast for July 4. It meant a lot to me personally. One thinks of death and what is beyond it, or of old people or dead people who remain alive. A tradition in India is that when one is ready to die one could walk steadfastly toward the northeast. I saw that repeated once by Sai Baba. I doubt that Elsie Wheeler, who delivered the Sabian Symbols in trance state, knew anything about that tradition, and probably Marc Edmund Jones didn't either (he did not specialize in Hindu teachings), yet this symbol came through her and him. 

But it has many other meanings. The keyword is "Sanction" which seems very profound. One has a sanction to keep on living, if one can face what one needs to face.

I mention this again because today on the BBC Newshour (the best news show on radio or television anywhere in the world, so far as I know) there was discussion of the missile launch in North Korea, which is definitely to the actual physical Northeast of most everywhere else on the planet! It's pretty amazing that it happened on these two days. Nikki Haley, U. S. ambassador to the U. N. said "This is a dark day" confirming the symbol's exact language. From the Washington Post: And this is a crisis, according to the experts. They say North Korea had not been expected to deliver a weapon with intercontinental range so soon, and will likely manage to eventually attach a nuclear warhead to one of them. According to a former acting CIA director, any military response to Pyongyang would risk a catastrophic war.

"A vast dark space" indeed, and to the Northeast! Anyone who thinks the Sabian Symbols (as well as the other two sets of symbols I use) cannot be literal needs to think twice. I use them because I have tested them for 57 years, to be exact. That does not mean I can always know precisely what their twists and turns will mean for you, me, or the world on a given day. I try. In the forecast for Wednesday, interpreting that symbol, I said 'A deeper part of you looks beyond birth and death toward past lives, future living, and "what it all means."' I don't know about you but I have been doing that today (Wednesday) and it is sobering.

Thursday: There seems an emphasis on career plus friends, whatever that means to you. Who are the friends of your career? They are precious. How does your career affect friends? How might it attract them? 

We all may be weary of the "missionary spirit" of trying to convert others, or feeling we ought to, to our own viewpoint on essential matters which seem crucial to us but not to them. This is hard. I do not know what to tell you except pray to God and keep trying.

People who are superficial, fretful and peevish may seem the bane of humanity. You may have to face or suffer one or more of them. Especially when they seem not to comprehend something supremely important to you, for which you would fight, they seem insufferable. 

Another side of this day seems utterly contrary to that. It is things like this which make my work seem impossible. Utterly contrary tendencies do coexist on a given day. This one is something like, "Enjoy the luxuries you are capable of enjoying while you have them." It's "The garden of the Tuileries," or maybe a patio at Mar-a-Lago. I'll say nothing. 

Along with it goes "A group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it." I'll say nothing again. 

You may spend some time in research, looking for clues. 

Maintain your equanimity. We are in the |karmically serious third| and can get depressed easily. "A woman awaiting a sailboat" means "Take your time; you don't have to do it all today." 

So many passive symbols! "A dog asleep on a throne." This is a charlatan who assumes offices for which he is not qualified! You or I?

Some may think only about what they can eat or drink. 

More happily, A troubadour with his instrument, one foot on the ledge of a rock, listening to the music of a cascade falling at his feet. That sounds ideal to me. If it weren't the |karmic third| I would suggest just going wandering, listening to buskers, lazing away in a park or at the beach. But a T square in cardinal signs is likely to keep us active. You can bring some of that lazy splendor into, or scattered within, your work.

{Thursday} ^Luxurious Passivity Within Action^

Cosmic Piper

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