Thursday, July 20, 2017

Message for Friday 21 July 2017

Friday 21 July 2017

~Persistence in Spite of Moods~

Moon in Cancer
|Karmically serious third| of this week continues
until it ends at 3:47p PT | 6:47p ET | 10:47p UT

Simple and persistent effort is wonderful, lifting one's moods when, if one were lazy, all would seem bleak.  We have had trials and reversals of fortune, but though hidden in obscurity for years, we may come to the surface of public awareness when the time is right. "A large archaic volume" suggests learning much of practical value from the past, one's worthy background.

There is danger of becoming misanthropic through resentment and jealousy. Blighted hopes in love affairs or friendships may make one feel one cannot evoke a loving or friendly response from anyone. But others are feeling the same way (Venus opposing Saturn). Some may seek escape from the disappointment by assuming a superiority which makes them feel better than those who spurn them. Others could erupt in a demonstration of demands, insisting on being loved, imposing on others, like a child having a fit.

There is much force of consciousness, to be leashed to one's objectives rather than tossed away in fretting and fussing. Some feel bereaved or deserted, sorrowful. Yet if they would try, they could find an internal freedom from worry about others' feelings about them, and get on with demonstrating real freedom through intuitive judgment, insight into human character, a sharp mind, ardent spirits, and daring.

{Friday} ~Persistence in Spite of Moods~

Cosmic Piper

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