Sunday, July 16, 2017

Message for Monday 17 July 2017

Monday 17 July 2017

\Making Poetry (or Hay) out of Letdown/

Moon in Taurus

I am not finding the squares of the sun and Mars (together at the end of Cancer) to Uranus (near the end of Aries) to be upsetting particularly. They seem rather stimulating. Many are feeling energized to pursue the particular tasks, interests, or hobbies which make them uniquely who they are. It would not be surprising if this came out in impatience sometimes. It seems we are in a hurry to understand a lot of things. Even if that is more than we can handle, the attempt is mind-expanding. 

Mercury has no less than five "good" aspects and no difficult ones. I hope you realize how valuable your mind is to you. You can use it to telling effect and see just what is real and what isn't, what makes sense and what is illusory. This can have excellent results in career and business or finance. 

I often dwell on Venus's hard aspects with Saturn as the "nobody loves me" aspects, and another one is revving up, exact by ten degrees from Sunday the 16th through Tuesday August 1st. However, Venus is also in a trine with Jupiter, which is the exact opposite: expansive feelings of appreciation, delight, and love or at least mutual harmony. So perhaps we will get off easy this time. At best the Venus-Saturn period can be a deeper appreciation of what the most important people in your life have meant to you, whether you are with them now or not. It is also shrewd realism in business. At worst it is feeling abandoned by people who once seemed close. It can be sad sentiment and tears, but also a willingness to make the best of current relationships or friendships because, after all, those are what you have and you realize it doesn't help to pretend they are other than they are. "What you see is what you get."

There is speculation or gambling. I am not recommending it unless the "speculation" is carefully thought out and wisely moderated. "A man driving a bull or an ox" may indicate that the long-term Bull Market is not over yet. (I deem it wise not to predict such things. If you want to read intelligent analysis of the stock market, I recommend Mark Hulbert. He does not make predictions, wisely, but analyzes how well others have done in the past, in great detail.) The indignation of the Mars-Uranus square could come out in women because Venus is at the center of semi-squares from each of those planets, and we have the symbol "A woman suffragist haranguing." That is not making fun of the women's movement but suggesting it might be highlighted or get some good results perhaps before the Dark Hermetic Epoch sets in (beginning on the 24th, next Monday). 

The free insights of youth are something their elders could profit by. There could be repose and happiness in reading peacefully. Those good Mercury aspects show you could comprehend difficult material more easily than usual. We are weighing various approaches to life and estimating their value, perhaps very successfully. 

"A boat landing washed away" could be a signal that you have missed some opportunity, but there are other landings and other boats. There is uncertainty, rise and fall, but that is just normality. The symbols of the day are less optimistic than the aspects, so it appears we need to keep confidence and faith going strong. "A woman holding a bundle of faggots, her hair disordered by the wind, wandering in search of something." In Signor Borelli's inimitable manner this indicates eccentricity, versatility, and confusion. Let us hope there are no forest or other fires threatening homes. More likely for most of us this means we can benefit by making firm choices and sticking with them, which is a skill of Moon in Taurus people and she is in that sign today. If all else seems inadequate, a poetic and aesthetic approach to life (Luna sextile Neptune) could be rewarding. 

{Monday}  /Making Poetry (or Hay) out of Letdown\

Cosmic Piper

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