Friday, June 23, 2017

Messages for Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 June 2017

Saturday 24 June 2017

~Pressing the Limits of Enjoyment~

Moon in Cancer
|Karmically serious third| of this week continues
until it ends at 8:14a PT | 11:14a ET | 3:14p UT

The New Moon of last night (Friday at 7:32p PT | 10:32p ET | 2:32a[Sa] UT) has given us perhaps a new lease on life. Yet there is still restriction or a "held back" feeling, as if one wanted privacy to work out certain matters in one's inmost consciousness.

Yet there is good fortune, with a tendency to lean on it lazily or self-indulgently.

A feeling that one might try or do anything at all keeps bubbling up. This is a fountain of youth. You may feel that someone beautiful and generous could fulfill your desires. Goodness of heart wins favor. Originality re-establishes your personal world. 

What have been the abortive projects in your life? They ended as if trees struck by lightning. You justified them to others and yourself like a mouse arguing with a cat. Maybe they were not "wrong," just out of place or time. In dark moments you sense the futility of so much that people consider important. Yet you can through the darkness regain your composure and a semblance of rebirth. 

The sense of entitlement or the privilege of lazy enjoyment may be harmless on a Saturday or day of rest. Of course the puritan or Dear Prudence in us has to remonstrate that it could go too far and end up in a bellyache or a hangover. Sorry I have to convey her warning but it's part of the job. With a sense of humor we can see others' foibles more easily than our own. Hah-hah!

{Saturday} ~Pressing the Limits of Enjoyment~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 25 June 2017

Moon in Cancer-->Leo
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:46a PT | 2:46p ET | 6:46p UT
until it enters Leo at 3:08p PT | 6:08p ET | 10:08p UT

Those who want a guru who tells them that everything is always just fine so they may as well enjoy themselves selfishly will not be happy with Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He gave warnings endlessly, but because he knew the laws of karma and that we bring on ourselves our own suffering, those warnings were essential. However, there is no teacher Eastern or Western I know of whose joy of heart and effortless loving attitude, expressed in his smiles of thousands of varieties in the endless photos of him, is more liberating. Sometimes I think just looking at his photos is enough, if one tries to "develop love more and more" as he advises here:

Today science has advanced to a great extent! Human beings have undertaken space travel. People want to know what is there in space, they are curious to know what is there in the moon and even wish to travel to the Sun. But what is the use? First recognise the Divinity within yourself. Open the doors of your heart. Develop love more and more. Understand the truth. Experience God. There lies the bliss. It is very easy to know God, but very few understand this. You must make every effort to understand the immanent Divinity. The divinity within is covered by ego and anger. Therefore, it is said, real knowledge dawns only when attachment is destroyed (Moham hithva punar vidya). Where does this attachment come from? Excessive desires lead to attachment. You will experience divinity everywhere when you enquire deep within! 

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