Sunday, June 4, 2017

Message for Monday 5 June 2017

Monday 5 June 2017

~Lone Ranger~

There may be fear of loss, but much may come to you in indirect ways. You may choose to cut off something which is draining your finances. More positively, you could be ready for a practical connection or friendship. Who is entering or re-entering your life?

The rhythm of life could be boring, if too stratified, as in a relentless rock beat; or thrilling if you set it yourself and change it as you please. You think a lot about meaningful or helpful timing. When you decide to be reliable, the world will be reliable for you. 

An impulse toward self-sacrifice is evident in those who, in government and business, are trying to maintain standards of environmental protection despite Donald Trump's decision to scorn them. On other fronts, women's rights are being promulgated, "a woman suffragist haranguing." Not just for women, feeling indignant about any injustice is the beginning of protest which could remedy it. 

Defensively, you are wanting to be adaptable to various groups or attitudes, flying one flag for one, another for another. Is this duplicitous? Not if you are aware of what is going on and have a larger overall vision of your goals. Maybe you need freedom from unnecessary involvement in certain commitments, at least sometimes, so you can recuperate inwardly. 

"A man sitting on his heels, breaking stones with a hammer" suggests work which seems pointless yet necessary. You can get through it successfully and feel better. There are some indications of isolation, as if you felt you were going it alone--"a horseman armed is watching the waning moon." (I love that symbol, as if from an old cowboy movie.) Those too independent and domineering will be treated like this: "A dog and his bone are best left alone." But the moon does not always wane; in fact it's increasing now; so we can get out of forlorn moods and enlarge our emotions and dimensions peaceably.

{Monday}  ~Lone Ranger~

Cosmic Piper

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