Friday, June 9, 2017

Messages for Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 June 2017

Saturday 10 June 2017


Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
|Karmically serious third| of this week continues (until early Sunday)  ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at [11:21p(F) PT] | 2:21a ET | 6:21a UT   * / |
until it enters Capricorn at 4:37a PT | 7:37a ET | 11:37a UT   ** |

The square between Mars and Jupiter, forming as of yesterday and continuing into July, is important because it forms the two borders of a "vise" shaped chart (with one empty square). This is an strongly paternal approach to initiative, in other words, people want to twist one another's arms so that they "see" or agree with their own viewpoint concerning politics, religion, ethics, or whatnot. We already see it going on. It could be harsh today because in many American cities there will be groups demonstrating against Sharia law. I am with them, as you must know if you have been reading these reports. But that does not mean I am a "conservative" (whatever that is; neither I am a "liberal," whatever that is, as if either term conveyed anything sensible or intelligible) and it does not mean I am a Republican and it does not mean I am a Trumpite or Trumpist. It just means that I am aware of the history and the doctrines of Islam and see that they are not compatible with the Constitution of the United States of America. Period. It is not just a "religion," it is a political system aiming at complete tyrannical world domination and the elimination of individual freedoms. It has been that since its beginning. And so of course I am opposed to it. 

Oh, and I just heard that on NPR there is a false report today that "Actually, Muslims do not want to impose Sharia law on non-Muslims, they are to accept the laws of the country where they live." NPR is guilty, as the other U. S. media, of complete lies when it comes to Islam. All you have to do is scan the writings of Robert Spencer, among others, or Brigitte Gabriel, to find that historically, from its very beginning, Islam declared itself the one true religion and insisted on converting whole nations by the sword whenever it could. National Public Radio, the New York Times, the Associated Press--none of these will tell you those facts. They are frightened of some sort of payback by Islamic money powers, apparently, or that is my hypothesis, for they are not being honest. 

That is one example of Mars square Jupiter in a vise chart, with Jupiter in high focus. You could say I am being "paternal" and trying to "force" my view on others. Or you could say I am opposing a religion which is "paternal" and trying to force its practices on others. I am also opposing a ridiculously silly "media establishment" in the U. S. which is pro-Islam and anti-Christian, as should be evident to any casual observer. It is a "paternal" media forcing its view on all. All this is accentuated today because Luna in Capricorn will be exactly opposed to Mars in Cancer, and also square Jupiter in Libra. 

We are in for it, I am afraid. Are you prepared? 

It could come out in other ways, in for example disagreements about procedures or teachings within groups which are either spiritual, religious, political or charitable in nature. Or disagreements among such groups. 

Where is the key of harmony here? I am not sure I know how to state that other than to repeat what many established spiritual teachers have repeatedly said. And you can find their teachings for yourself, or already know them and how to review them. 

{Saturday} /Paternalism\

P. S. We need to find some way to make "paternal" other than a dirty word. 

Sunday 11 June 2017

\Duh, Paternal! Oh, that's next week!/

Moon in Capricorn   **

It's interesting that Father's Day is (or at least originated as) an American holiday, and Mars or the pre-eminently male planet lies in Gemini in the U. S. birth-chart and so our Father's Day happens in Gemini when the sun is always very close to the U. S. Mars at 20 Gemini. Remarkable. And, I might add, we now have a President who is Gemini with his sun very close to that position. (His birthday is in a few days.) As a "paternal" figure he certainly has cut a swathe, even though many call him a "child" or "baby" derogatorily. (Leo rising in his birth-chart, and other factors beyond the scope of this report.)

Carelessly, I thought when I started writing this that tomorrow was Father's Day. (My dad has been gone for many years so I no longer try to remember the exact date.) No, it is next week, the 18th. But I prepared something a week ahead:

I suppose with the aspects going on, as outlined yesterday and in recent days, one might find oneself disagreeing with Dad about politics or other intense matters. The continuing sextile of Mars with Venus should sweeten that and so there need be no serious family squabbles. 

I am recurring to my former practice of leaving out a regular Sunday report, so that I can have a sabbatical day on Saturday and not have to do double duty on Friday. I will replace it with (a) the regular table of daily lunar and other data and (b) special brief comments when necessary and (c) perhaps something from some spiritual teacher I believe in. This time, here is a Father's Day song by Loudon Wainwright III. His son is the singer Rufus Wainwright. I hope you'll listen to it more than once if you find some of the lyrics hard to catch the first time. It's quite profound. Although a week early.

{Sunday} /Duh, Paternal! Oh, next week!\

Cosmic Piper

P. S. Only two stars, but of course we are responsible for boosting that up to three or more if we can, by our attitudes and responses. One reason I dropped the star ratings for a while was that it seemed depressing to be honest, but I had to be honest. Also, it gets tiresome to hear me say every day "You can boost the rating up if you take the right attitude" because that becomes preachy and "paternal." Oh well, we are all adults, so . . . I hope the data and ratings will give clues for you to follow up in your own way, not make you feel locked into some kind of stellar tyranny. 

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