Sunday, June 11, 2017

Message for Monday 12 June 2017

Monday 12 June 2017

\Youthful Yet Focused/

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:46a PT | 2:46p ET | 6:46p UT   ** /
until it enters Aquarius at 4:46p PT | 7:46p ET | 11:46p UT   ***

Some of what is going on is rather mysterious, because people who are in fact friendly may seem remote or held back, just as you are held back from them. It is not so much shyness as that each has his or her own world to take care of and feels confined to that, so friendship has to be useful or manageable in a practical setting; otherwise it seems irrelevant.

Feelings can be passionate about your career, and your established ways of performing or fulfilling it. Those who misunderstand misunderstand, but those who understand partially continue to support you. 

Luna square Uranus and Venus can make for hard feelings or separations. Yet you could establish something solid and lasting in connection with offspring, or those who are not your offspring but young. Together or separately you aim at something fresh and vital.

Phone or internet conversations or links and connections could be warm.

Prospecting for a place to settle down, or a place to visit, could be on your mind. People are amoral (not immoral) when they feel that superficial, rigid standards of conduct just don't apply or make sense in their situation.

An unconditioned elevation above the humdrum is another aspect of youth. "Anything is possible!" is the sentiment. There could be mental intoxication to the point of excess, or a controlled "intoxication" which uplifts and inspires effectively.

A theatrical or comedic style is possible at times, yet you are focused on security and so try do what you can to feather your nest in a meticulous manner. 

Feeling abandoned and desolate is a passing mood. People are focusing on what seems essential to them right now, and dropping the rest, so they might seem to have forgotten you. For comfort you can turn to luxuries or anything which makes you feel content. This is a needed respite from stress. Then you can turn back to your chosen tasks, for we remain in the Bright Hermetic Epoch until July 24 and are thinking clearly about our goals and methods of attaining them.

{Monday}  /Youthful Yet Focused\

Cosmic Piper

Islam 101  This is not pleasant, but you should learn from it.

Contrast the teachings of Islam, as enunciated by Mohammed from the very beginning, and as practiced by him in bloody warfare,--namely, that non-Muslims have no rights and must be converted by force if not voluntarily--with the teachings of the beloved Sri Sathya Sai Baba:

Today cynicism and apathy are rampant and people are caught up in meaningless worries, endless desires and unattainable ambitions, and have no peace of mind. People have forgotten their divine essence. Spiritual illumination alone can reveal the right path to everyone who is groping in the darkness of ignorance and peaceless-ness. Divinity is inherent in humanity. Humanity must discover its basic human qualities. What is humanness? Essentially it means unity in thought, word and deed. True human qualities can grow only in a loving heart, just like a seed can grow in fertile soil and not on a piece of rock. Hence all of you must develop compassion and equanimity. Divinity is all pervading and is present within and outside every being. Every one of you is an embodiment of the Divine. Like God you are also embodiments of Love. Expand your love by sharing it with all without narrow-mindedness and make your life purposeful and worthy! 

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